Chapter 22-What About Entertainment?

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"You want me to sing at your wedding?" Athena asked with a raised eyebrow, "Um

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"You want me to sing at your wedding?" Athena asked with a raised eyebrow, "Um....why?"

"What do you mean 'why'?" Reggie asked in disbelief, "Even you know, Hena, that your voice has a power behind it that nobody can deny. You're Athena Tyler! I'm a big fan of my own sister and I'm not afraid to admit it!"

"I'm flattered, Reggie. Really, I am," Athena chuckled, her cheeks turning slightly pink at the compliment. "But singing at your wedding? It's a big responsibility, and I don't want to steal the spotlight from you and your groom."

Reggie rolled her eyes dramatically, shaking her head. "Come on, Hena! You know I wouldn't ask if I didn't truly believe in your talent. Plus, it would make the moment even more special for me. Having my sister serenade me on my wedding day? It doesn't get better than that."

Athena paused for a moment, considering Reggie's request. She understood the significance of having a personal touch in such a momentous occasion. After all, they were not just sisters but best friends who had been through countless ups and downs together. Finally, a warm smile spread across her face, and she nodded in agreement. "Okay, Reggie. I'll sing at your wedding. Any requests?"

Reggie's eyes lit up with delight, and she practically bounced in her seat. "Really, Hena? You're the best sister ever!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around Athena in a tight hug.

Athena chuckled and returned the embrace. "Anything for you, sis," she replied affectionately. "But, you know, we'll have to choose a good song."

Reggie nodded eagerly, her mind already racing with ideas. "I agree, Hena. It should be a song that captures the essence of our relationship. What about 'I'll Be There' by The Jackson 5? It's a classic and it really speaks to the unconditional love and support we've always had for each other."

"In that case," Athena paused, "Considering it is their song, why don't we get Michael and his brothers to do it?" she suggested before looking over at Michael, "I'm just saying, nobody can do 'I'll Be There' better than you! This is great!" she added, "A Jackson 5 reunion!"

"But, Hena, then you wouldn't sing!" Reggie said with her hands on her hips.

"That's the point! Hence, getting the Jackson 5 to reunite for the day!" Athena said as she leaned into Michael, "I don't want to do it by myself! If they sing, then I don't have to have anything to do with it!"

"Hena," Reggie said sternly, "What is this really about? Because everyone sitting in this room knows you've got commendable vocal cords! The entire world knows it!"

"What? No, this isn't about anything," Athena tried to play off, her voice getting higher in pitch, "I just think—oh, okay, you got me."

"I knew it!" Reggie exclaimed, "Now spill!"

"Think of it like....stage fright," Athena finally confessed.

"Stage fright?!" Reggie nearly yelled before looking over at Michael, "Can you believe this? She's sang in front of sold out arenas in Sorelle and she has stage fright?!"

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