Chapter 127-Sorelle TV: Part 2

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MARCH 1st, 1996

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MARCH 1st, 1996

"Hello," another man stood up, "I'm Mario. My parents have been married for 44 years. My dad has an obsession with Jennifer Lopez. He loves her movies, can't stand when they cast her as the bad guy and he even has a picture of her on the ceiling in his bedroom!" he said, "This picture is right above their bed! So when there's stuff happening, Jennifer Lopez's picture is staring right at them!"

Athena and Michael exchanged amused glances at Mario's revelation, struggling to contain their laughter at the quirky details he shared about his father's unusual admiration for Jennifer Lopez. The audience erupted into giggles, thoroughly entertained by the unexpected confession.

Meanwhile, the Jackson brothers were in stitches, doubling over with laughter at the thought of Jennifer Lopez watching over Mario's parents from above their bed.

Tito wiped tears from his eyes, struggling to catch his breath as he tried to compose himself.

Marlon nudged Randy, a mischievous glint in his eye, "Can you imagine waking up to J.Lo's watchful eyes every morning?"

Randy snickered, "I bet Mario's dad thinks she's giving him relationship advice in his dreams!"

Jackie clapped his hands together, still chuckling at the absurdity of the situation, "Mario, you have to tell us—does your mom approve of this unique bedroom decor?"

Jermaine shook his head in amusement, "Only in this family would we have a story like this!"

"Your dad sounds like quite the fan!" Athena quipped, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she leaned forward, "Like Jackie said, does your mom know about this....unique decor choice above their bed?"

Mario chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head, "Oh, she knows. She's not thrilled about it, but Dad is adamant that J.Lo brings them luck in their marriage," He paused, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips, "He even tried to get Mom to dress up like her once for Halloween!"

The audience burst into laughter at the image of Mario's mother dressed up as Jennifer Lopez, the absurdity of the situation only adding to the amusement of the evening.

"For the past couple of years, he's had a new obsession—a sexier crush!" Mario exclaimed, "That sexier crush is you, Athena!"

Athena's jaw dropped, "Mario!" she exclaimed, "My husband is right there!"

The Jackson brothers were howling with laughter, thoroughly entertained by the playful banter unfolding in front of them.

Marlon wiped tears of laughter from his eyes, "I can't! This is too much, man!"

Tito clutched his stomach, trying to catch his breath between fits of laughter, "I think Mario's dad might have some competition now!"

Jermaine shook his head in disbelief, "I've heard of having celebrity crushes, but this is a whole new level!"

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