Chapter 93-Gathering In The SUV

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Michael widened his eyes as he started dialing another phone number, the person on the other end immediately started rambling a bunch of nonsense, "I don't want to hear any excuses! He made bail?! Why wasn't I informed?" Michael clenched his jaw a...

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Michael widened his eyes as he started dialing another phone number, the person on the other end immediately started rambling a bunch of nonsense, "I don't want to hear any excuses! He made bail?! Why wasn't I informed?" Michael clenched his jaw as he listened to the explanation from the person on the other end of the line. After a moment, he spoke in a tone that brooked no argument, "The same day that Alex gets out, my sister goes missing and my wife takes five million dollars out of her account! You're gonna tell me this is a coincidence?!"

Bill swallowed nervously as Michael's voice rose in anger. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, knowing that the situation was spiraling out of control. He pulled out his phone and dialed Jerome's phone number.

The phone rang a few times before Jerome answered, "Hello?"

"Jerome, it's Bill and Michael," Bill said, "Have you located Athena?"

"I did and I went to cut her off at the bank, but she saw me and bolted away faster than I could blink," Jerome explained, sounding like he was out of breath.

"Where did she go?" Michael demanded, his voice tight with worry and frustration.

"She got into an Uber outside the bank. No, what am I saying? It was her Mercedes. I couldn't follow her," Jerome replied, his tone filled with regret.

"Okay, does anybody have her location?" Bill asked, his voice rising a couple of octaves from the anxiety of the situation.

"Do you think I'd be working this hard to find her if I had her location?!" Jerome huffed into the phone, "Okay, this isn't helping. Who do we know that would have her location?"

"Her brother Kayden?" Bill suggested, "He's the only person I can think of."

Michael looked out the window and saw Kayden coming out of a recording studio.

Kayden noticed Michael's car and immediately recognized the tense expression on his face as he stepped out. Sensing the urgency in his brother-in-law's demeanor, Kayden hurried over, his brow furrowed in concern.

"Michael, what's going on?" Kayden asked, his voice laced with worry.

Michael wasted no time beating around the bush, "Janet is missing. Athena withdrew five million dollars from her personal account. And we can't find either of them."

Kayden's eyes widened at the news, his mind racing with the implications of his sister's sudden disappearance and the large sum of money she had taken. He knew Athena was not normally one to act rashly without a good reason, and he feared that something serious must have happened.

He quickly ran a hand through his hair, the worry evident on his face. "What do you mean Janet is missing? And how did Athena take that much money out of her account? Doesn't the bank need your approval for such a large transfer?"

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