Chapter 48-Paisley Park

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The purple lights of Paisley Park illuminated the night sky as Athena approached the grand estate. She couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over her as she walked up the front steps, the familiar beats of music drifting through the air. She knew that inside those walls, she would find solace and guidance from her friend, who always seemed to have a way of bringing clarity to her chaotic thoughts.

As she entered the building, the sound of laughter and music greeted her, instantly lifting her spirits. Making her way through the halls adorned with memorabilia from Prince's legendary career, Athena finally reached the room where her friend awaited her.

And there he was, sitting at a grand piano, his fingers dancing across the keys with practiced ease. His eyes met hers, warm and inviting, filled with unspoken understanding. Without a word, he beckoned her to sit beside him, offering her a knowing smile.

Athena took a seat next to him, feeling a sense of peace. Without speaking, her friend continued to play a soulful melody on the piano, each note resonating with Athena's emotions.

As the music filled the room, Athena felt a sense of release wash over her, the weight of her burdens slowly lifting from her shoulders. She closed her eyes and let the music carry her away, allowing herself to be enveloped in its bittersweet embrace.

After a while, the last chord of the melody hung in the air, fading into silence. Her friend turned to her, his gaze gentle yet penetrating.

"Now, I can't help but notice that ring on your finger." Prince said to her, "Who's the lucky guy?"

Athena chuckled softly, the tension of the evening momentarily fading as she looked down at the ring on her finger. It sparkled in the soft light of Paisley Park, a symbol of a love that had weathered many storms. 

"I'm not sure you want to know," Athena grinned slyly.

"Well, I'm already intrigued," Prince replied with a twinkle in his eye, "You can't leave me hanging now."

"I met him at a hospital," Athena said cryptically, "I was visiting some kids. Coincidentally at the same time he was."

"That doesn't tell me who it is!" Prince said with a laugh, "Who is it?"

"Hm....I should make you guess." Athena laughed at the playful challenge in Prince's eyes, enjoying the lighthearted banter that momentarily lifted her spirits.

She watched as Prince pretended to ponder over the possibilities, his theatrical expression adding a touch of levity to the heavy atmosphere that had shrouded her earlier. After a moment of dramatic contemplation, Prince finally leaned in closer to Athena, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I'm going to take a wild guess here and say... he's not just a regular guy you met at the hospital, is he?"

Athena couldn't help but chuckle at Prince's theatrics. "You catch on quick," she teased, a smile tugging at her lips. "He's not just any guy. He's someone who has a way of sneaking into your heart when you least expect it."

Prince arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by Athena's cryptic description. "Now you've really piqued my curiosity. You have to tell me!" he paused, "Let's he someone famous?"

"Uh, yes," Athena nodded.

"Is he a singer?"


"Does he dance?"


"Does he play any instruments?"

"No," Athena shook her head, "Well....somewhat."

"What are some of his songs?" Prince asked.

"Well, you'd know right away if I told you," Athena laughed, "Let's just say he's a bit of a....smooth criminal."

Prince's eyes widened in recognition as he pieced together the clues Athena had given him. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he leaned back, nodding in approval. "I see, I see," he said with a knowing look. "So, you've fallen for the King of Pop himself."

Athena blushed, her smile growing wider at Prince's playful reaction. "Guilty as charged," she admitted, feeling a rush of warmth at the thought of the man who had captured her heart.

Prince chuckled, a melody of amusement in his voice. "Well, well, well," he mused. "I must say, Athena, you have impeccable taste. Michael Jackson is a legend in his own right."

Athena nodded, her heart fluttering with fond memories of her time with Michael. "He's truly one of a kind," she said softly, lost in thoughts of their shared moments and whispered promises.

Prince leaned in conspiratorially, a playful glint in his eye. "So, when do I get to meet this smooth criminal of yours?" he inquired, clearly eager to see the dynamic between Athena and Michael in person.

Athena chuckled at Prince's curiosity, knowing that a meeting between the two legends would be a momentous occasion. "I'll have to arrange it with Michael," she replied with a smile, "But don't you already know each other from when he asked you to collaborate with him on Bad? But you didn't want to do it!" she exclaimed, "I swear a Prince and Michael Jackson collaboration is something the world needs to hear!"

"Think about it, mama," Prince said as he looked at her with a pointed look, "The first line in that song is 'your butt is mine'." he added, "So I said 'who's gonna sing that to whom? Because you sure ain't singing that to me, and I sure ain't singing that to you.'"

Athena burst into laughter at Prince's recount of the collaboration that never happened, the tension from earlier completely dissipated. "I can just imagine the two of you going back and forth on that line," she chuckled, picturing the playful banter between the two musical icons.

Prince joined in her laughter, the melodious sound filling the room and lifting their spirits. "We both have our own styles," he said with a grin, "But I have no doubt that a collaboration between us would have been legendary."

Athena nodded in agreement, feeling grateful for the friendship and levity Prince brought into her life. The weight of her troubles felt lighter in his presence, and for that, she was truly thankful.

As the evening turned into night, Athena and Prince sat together in comfortable silence, the echoes of music and laughter surrounding them like a warm embrace. In that moment, Athena knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she had a friend in Prince. And that she could come to his house whenever she wanted to rant about anything.

"But I would love the chance to meet Michael outside of a debate over song lyrics." Prince added, "I think we could be great friends. I mean, look at us. We're the most unlikely friends, and yet, here we are."

Athena smiled at Prince's words, grateful for the unexpected friendship that had blossomed between them. In that moment of shared laughter and understanding, she felt a sense of comfort and camaraderie that she hadn't experienced in a long time. "I'll make sure you two get to meet under better circumstances," she promised, touched by Prince's genuine interest in forming a connection with Michael, "Now who are you with?"

"Well, nobody right now," Prince shrugged, "I'm with myself."

"I'm always here for you," Athena softly smiled at him, "And I'm sure Michael will be too, once your friendship forms."

As the night grew darker and the clock ticked past midnight, a sudden knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Prince and Athena exchanged curious glances as Prince rose from his seat to answer the door. Standing on the threshold was a figure shrouded in darkness, a familiar silhouette that sent a jolt of recognition through Athena's heart.

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