Chapter 77-The Oprah Winfrey Interview

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FEBRUARY 8th, 1993

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FEBRUARY 8th, 1993

After avoiding Michael as much as possible, Athena had successfully derailed his plan to make her fess up to what was going on. She had meticulously planned out her work schedule to make herself unavailable for the dreaded conversation about her personal problems.

"Oprah and her crew are here!" Jerome announced.

Athena patted Michael's hand, wishing him luck before quickly leaving the room.

Oprah approached Michael, "Michael, hi. Thank you for inviting me into your home. It's beautiful!"

Michael greeted Oprah warmly, his mind still preoccupied with his concerns about Athena. As the interview began, Michael found himself opening up to Oprah about his music, his creative process, and the impact he hoped to make on the world.

"I'm going to ask you this and it's embarrassing for me to ask you this," Oprah shook her head, "Are you a virgin?"

Michael's cheeks flushed at Oprah's unexpected question. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, unsure of how to respond. With a small gasp, he asked with an embarrassed smile, "How could you ask me that question?"

"Well, people want to know!" Oprah defended innocently.

"I'm a gentleman," Michael finally answered, "I'm a gentleman."

"So, you believe a lady is a lady and should be treated as such?" Oprah stated, "Got it. What is your love life like? Are you dating anyone?"

"I'm married, actually," Michael said, a smile coming to his face as he looked at Oprah, "Her name is Athena Tyler."

"Oh my gosh! Is that the woman I saw scurrying away when we came in? Is Athena Tyler that woman that was in Sorelle?" Oprah asked excitedly, "And then left the band and did dancing full-time?"

"That would be her," Michael smiled, sensing Oprah's excitement.

"Can we bring her in here?" Oprah asked, looking around for the singer.

Michael nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips, "Of course we can bring her in. She's the love of my life."

Jerome went to fetch Athena, who poked her head around the corner, "Nice to meet you, Oprah," she whispered, with a small wave, "I don't want to be on camera, though."

"Come on in, Athena!" Oprah insisted, "The world needs to meet the woman who stole Michael Jackson's heart!"

Michael turned his body to see his wife, "Come on, beautiful, don't be shy. I want them to meet you."

Athena hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and stepped into the room. Her eyes met Michael's, and she saw nothing but love and pride shining in them. With Oprah's warm smile encouraging her, she walked over to Michael and sat beside him on the couch.

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