Chapter 37-True or False

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Jerome and Bill were sitting outside Athena's house, discussing some drills that may help secure the perimeters in case of an emergency at Neverland

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Jerome and Bill were sitting outside Athena's house, discussing some drills that may help secure the perimeters in case of an emergency at Neverland. Michael wanted to spend some time at Athena's house and brought his security—who decided to stay outside for a while—with him.

Jerome was goofing off a little with his phone, "Hey, Bill! Look at this. It's a puppy licking a kitten!"

Bill chuckled at Jerome's antics before his expression turned serious. "Jerome, I know you love a good laugh, but we need to focus here. Let's go over the evacuation plan one more time to make sure we have all contingencies covered for Neverland."

"Right, sorry," Jerome said, but didn't totally put his phone down, "Now I think—wait, Bill look at this!"

Bill sighed, resigned to Jerome's distractions as he leaned over to see what had caught his attention this time.

'Claire Tyler Cheating On Husband Kayden Tyler?!'

"Wait..." Bill widened his eyes, "Kayden is Athena's brother....and Claire...oh no!"

Jerome had the same expression on his face, clicking on the video, a compilation of news stories coming up.

'The Tyler Dynasty: Kayden Tyler's Wife Is A Cheater?!'

'Athena Tyler's Sister-In-Law, Claire Tyler: Is She Faithful or Not?'

Jerome glanced over at Bill, his brow furrowed in concern. "Did you see that?" he asked, pointing to the phone screen. Bill nodded, his expression mirroring Jerome's unease.

Bill stood up abruptly, "We need to go check on Athena and Michael. We have to know if they've seen this," he said urgently, determination shining in his eyes.

Jerome nodded in agreement and the two men hurried into the house, their footsteps echoing in the empty hallway.

Meanwhile, inside the house in Athena's room, Athena and Michael were sitting in there—Michael was jotting down song lyrics and Athena was softly strumming a guitar. The room was filled with a sense of calm, the only sound being the gentle notes of the guitar blending with Michael's occasional hums.

"BREAKING NEWS!" the TV suddenly said.

Michael and Athena exchanged puzzled looks, their peaceful moment shattered by the urgency in the voice coming from the television. Michael reached for the remote and turned up the volume, the news anchor's voice filling the room.

"Athena Tyler's brother Kayden Tyler just might have a wife that can't commit!"

Michael's jaw dropped in shock as he quickly changed the channel, trying to find another news station.

"The Tyler Dynasty's Secret Affair?" the news anchor said as an image of a woman with her face blurred out flashed on the screen.

Athena's heart sank as she recognized her sister-in-law's distinctive necklace. She turned to Michael, her eyes wide with worry. "Michael, that's Claire. That's Kayden's wife."

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