Chapter 38-Havoc Over a Misunderstanding

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As Athena coordinated with her PR team and awaited Claire's arrival at her house, tension hung heavy in the air

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As Athena coordinated with her PR team and awaited Claire's arrival at her house, tension hung heavy in the air. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, the weight of the impending confrontation pressing down on everyone involved. When the doorbell finally rang, Athena hurried to answer it, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Claire! We need to make sure our stories are fully aligned," Athena stated in a hurry as she pulled her into the house.

Claire nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of relief and anxiety. "I'm so glad you believe me, Athena. I swear, I had no idea this would blow out of proportion like this." She followed Athena into the living room where Michael, Bill, and Jerome were waiting, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity, "I already know Michael. It's nice to see you again, Michael. Hena, is this your PR Team?"

"No, this is Bill and Jerome," Athena said as she sat down next to Michael, "Michael's security guards."

Bill and Jerome nodded their 'hello' politely as the introductions were made, their professional demeanor unwavering.

"Okay, Claire. We need to get every detail about your cousin's unexpected arrival to line up with what the media is saying." Athena said as calmly as she could, "The media can be...well, vultures. So we all need to be on the same page. About every detail. And we will have to rope Kayden in on this too."

Claire took a deep breath, her mind racing to recall every detail of her cousin's sudden visit. She recounted the sequence of events leading up to his arrival, emphasizing the spontaneity and lack of time to inform Kayden. As she spoke, Athena and the others listened intently, piecing together a cohesive narrative that could counteract the damaging rumors circulating in the media.

After Claire had shared all the necessary information, Athena nodded thoughtfully, "I believe you. Do you three believe her?" she asked as she looked over at Michael, Bill, and Jerome.

Michael, Bill, and Jerome exchanged a glance among themselves before nodding in unison. "We believe you, Claire," Bill spoke up, his voice firm and reassuring. "It all makes sense now that we have the full picture."

Athena's eyes sparkled with determination as she surveyed the group gathered in her living room. "Okay. Now that we're all on the same page, let's focus on how to address the media. We need to act swiftly and decisively to control the narrative before this spirals any further out of control."

Claire looked visibly relieved at the show of support from Athena and her team. "Thank you, all of you. I never meant for any of this to happen." She gripped Athena's hand tightly, gratitude shining in her eyes.

"We'll get through this together, Claire," Athena said firmly, squeezing her hand back. "Now, let's put our heads together and come up with a plan to set things right. I think it's time to rope Kayden in."

"Athena, what is going on?" Kayden's voice held an edge of urgency as he barged through the front door without waiting for an invitation. "I've been bombarded with calls and messages about some scandal involving Claire. And then I turned on the news! Can someone please explain to me what is happening?" he demanded, "Or should I call Athena's lawyer for divorce papers right now?"

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