Chapter 125-This Changes Everything

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Dr. Smith looked at Athena with a mix of surprise and concern. He had known Athena and her family for twenty-eight years—but he had never been made aware that she had possible half-brothers.

" mean to tell me that those men out there are your potential half-brothers and that you never knew about them so you need a blood test to confirm their relation to you?" he asked with wide eyes, "And that this bag in my hand has all their blood samples?"

"That basically sums it up, yes," Athena nodded.

Dr. Smith quickly gathered the necessary equipment for the blood test, his mind racing with a flurry of questions and possibilities. As he prepared the vials and needles, he couldn't help but steal glances at Athena, her expression one of uncertainty.

Athena sat on the examination table, her sleeve rolled up as Dr. Smith carefully extracted a vial of blood. The room was filled with an uneasy silence, broken only by the soft hum of medical equipment in the background. With each passing second, the weight of this revelation seemed to grow heavier, casting a shadow over everything that had once felt certain in Athena's life.

Once the blood sample was collected, Dr. Smith assured her that he would prioritize it—they would have the results in less than an hour. Lucky for her, he wasn't busy anyway.

Athena thanked him before stepping out into the hallway, where Michael and her newfound half-brothers were waiting anxiously.

"We'll have results within the hour," Athena revealed, "He's making it a priority."

Michael gave her a soft smile, "You okay?" he whispered in her ear.

"I'm just the heck am I supposed to tell my father and Kayden if it comes back as a match?" Athena whispered back.

"We'll figure it out, baby," Michael assured, "It's going to be okay."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Dr. Smith emerged from the lab with a small slip of paper in hand. He approached Athena and her family with a solemn expression before handing her the paper. With trembling hands, Athena unfolded it and scanned the results, her breath catching in her throat as she read the confirmation that indeed, these men were her half-brothers.

"You guys are, in fact, related by blood," Dr. Smith said, "Further testing shows you're half-siblings. It's astonishing how eerily alike you look."

Athena felt her heart race as she processed the weight of the confirmation before her. The piece of paper trembled in her hands, each word on it solidifying a truth that was both surreal and undeniable. She looked up at her new-found half-brothers, their faces a mixture of relief and excitement, mirroring the emotions tumultuously swirling within her own chest.

Richard let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "I knew it," he exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face, "We found you!"

Noah clapped Lucas on the back, a look of pure elation on his face. "This is amazing! Our family just got a little bigger!"

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