Chapter 14-Adrian

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Athena's eyes fluttered open, and she looked around the room, not recognizing it immediately as she normally would

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Athena's eyes fluttered open, and she looked around the room, not recognizing it immediately as she normally would. The unfamiliar decor and the scent of a different environment filled her senses. Confusion and disorientation flooded her mind. She quickly realized why she felt out of place; she wasn't in her own house.

Her eyes continued to wander the room, taking in the dimly lit space and the scattered clothes on the floor. Suddenly, she felt a weight on her waist and looked down to see an arm draped over her. Panic surged through her veins as she realized that she wasn't alone. Someone was in bed with her. Thoughts raced through her mind as she desperately tried to recall the events of the night before.

"So what did you think?"

"Your family is amazing," Athena says as she struggles on one foot to take her heel off, "Probably a terrible person for saying it, but they're better than my family."

"Kayden is pretty great," Michael adds, "I haven't had the chance to actually talk to your sisters though."

"Trust me, you don't want to," Athena says as if she were horrified, still struggling with her shoe, "They're like.....overly excited leeches....that will cling onto you remorse."

Michael can't stop the laugh that comes out of him—then he stares at her as if he were shocked she would say that, while trying not to laugh again.

"I said what I said," Athena shrugs with a smile on her face, "I have no regrets."

"Do you want help?" Michael asks after noticing her struggle.

"No, I'm good—ugh, I hate shoes." Athena sighs.

"Here, let me help you," Michael says when he saw her about to switch feet to attempt the other way instead, "Put your hand on my shoulder." he said and once she was balanced, he reached down and pulled her black heeled combat boot off her small foot, revealing her black and red socks, "Oh, my favorite colors. Give me your other foot."

Athena put her shoeless, sock covered foot on the floor and lifted her other foot up, attempting to do it herself, but Michael cut her off by pulling the heel off for her.

"Hey, I could've gotten that one." Athena sighed and Michael raised an eyebrow at her, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Michael smiled at her, "You don't always have to do everything yourself, you know. You have me now. My family adores you. Even my father."

"Well, that's good to know," Athena replied, nearly throwing herself onto the couch with how she fell onto it, "Your mother is very lovely—Janet too. And Rebbie and Latoya."

"I'm going to carry you upstairs. You look too tired to stand up," Michael says as he walks over to her.

"Who said I was staying?" Athena asked, her voice muffled by the throw pillow on the couch.

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