Changing room

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Emília came home and had Skype with family to explain her day. Obviously, they were all very happy for the new job, however, also concerned that was not work schedules and fixed locations. She said that the next day was going shopping with Mika to arrange a cover for the castings. They asked if she didn't thought it was strange all that closeness. She also found it odd initially but explained that she noticed that the whole team was like that. They were like a family where you do not need to be  ashame. Emíliasaid goodbey  and went to bed for the next day be able to wake up early.

The next morning she got up, took her breakfast, wore a casual outfit, her All Stars, of course, and went to the mall that they had arranged the previous day. She stood at the door waiting for Mika. Suddenly she felt a tap on the shoulder. When she turned and saw a tall figure with sun glasses and a hood on his head. This made her jump.

-Emília ... (Lows the glasses) It's me.

Emília: Mika!

Mika: Sshh!

Emília: (covers the mouth) Sorry.

They went to a clothing store with which Mika was already used. On the contrary, Emília had never entered there. Not worth it walk into a store with things you could never buy. Mika went straight to the suits and Emília just followed him.

Mika: (grabs a jacket) This is very cute, isn't?

Emília: Yes but ... should we not be focus on what we came to do? It does not seem to me that people do not go  identify you with this suit.

Mika: You're right. I'm too distracted.

They went to the place of more casual clothes. They grabed  t-shirts, baggy pants, basically, all with a sporty look that it was something he would never use.

Mika: Emília, take it to a cabinet proof. I will see the accessories, please.

Emília took the amount of clothes for the cabinet, closed it and went to Mika to the accessories. When she arrived he had a super strange glasses a scar fwith feathers and a blonde wig. Emília still tried to approach in silence but she end up falling apart laughing.

Mika: Am i or am i not unrecognizable ?!

Emília: Yes, no doubt!~

Mika: (grabs a pink glasses with sparkl) Here, try these.

Emília grabbed his glasses and put on the face.

Mika: It looks very good on you.

Emília: (laughs) You know how it is ... pink is my color.

Mika: I have no doubt.


Emília: My goodness! We need to focus more than ever.

Mika turned out to grab a short-hair wig,black and discreet with a pair of glasses with clear lenses. Those accessories with the clothes they had chosen would be perfect.

Mika: (opens the curtain showing up the full outfit) What do you think?

Emília: Wait. (Departs few meters from Mika) It is perfect! (Gets close to Mika) But here ...

Mika: What?

Emília: It's just ... taking into account that people know they are doing a casting for you, it is natural that they put the hypothesis of your presence. What makes it easier to identify you. And it's not because you have glasses that your face becomes unrecognizable. People know well your eyes and your ... I know! I have an idea!

Emília ran out and returned minutes later with the same speed.

Emília: How about this?

She raised her hand and showed a fake mustache wrapped in plastic. Mika laughed but finally admitted it was a great solution.

They left the store with a good number of bags in each hand and led us to Mika's car.

Mika: Will you come with me? Drinking tea or anything?

Emília: Thank you for the invitation but maybe for a next time.

Mika: Okay. See you tomorrow in the casting.

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