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Emília woke in the morning with the light coming through the curtains. She turned on the bed and saw Mika sleeping in his typical serene look. His hair was more disheveled than usual. She smiled, walked over to him and kissed his cheek. He smiled slightly but did not open his eyes. Emília got up and went back to dressing the t-shirt Mika had lent her the day before. She looked at the sofa and saw Mika's bedding, which gave her an idea. Without trying to make a sound, she opened Mika's closet and began to pull off some colorful trousers with suspenders. Mika still moved what made her stop and look at him but as he did not wake up she continued and also took off a hat. She put on everything at a high speed and went to the long mirror in the room to see herself.

She could not make a noise so she made a great effort to laugh softly. She was still a bit smaller than Mika so it all got bigger to her. The sweater was inside her pants so she would not stay so long, but the green pants were too big for her short legs. The only thing that fit her perfectly was his hat. She walked over to hold his hat to her head and when she turned she saw Mika sitting on the bed watching her with a smile.

Mika: You look really good.

Emília: Look, what did your mother give you to eat? It's just that I've never seen so much leg length.

Mika: It's the question of my life.

Emília: To compensate you have a head of size said "normal" because the hat is the only thing that fits me as it should be.

Mika: You can have it.

Emília: What? I will not steal your hat.

Mika: It's not stealing. I just offered.

Emília: Okay. So, I'm going to put on my clothes and wear your hat.

Emília went to her clothes and began to undress Mika's clothes to dress her own. She took off her shirt and took off her pants when she felt Mika's gaze on her and realized he still had not moved.

Emília: (without turning to Mika) Will you continue to look at me in that cheeky way or will you start dressing?

Mika: I was caught.

Emília laughed and Mika got up and went to his side to get dressed. Emília, in her underwear, began to put on her shirt and, out of nowhere, Mika began to pull the end of her shirt to him.

Mika: Don't dress it, Don't dress it!

Emília: (laughing and trying to drop the sweater from Mika's hands) Are you silly? You want me to wear what?

Mika: Nothing. Just like me when I sleep, right?

Emília: Mika, we have to go to London. Besides, I already apologized for that joke.

Mika: But I was not even bothered about it. I'm annoyed that we have to leave ... Already (grabs Emíliaby her waist) We could stay here a little longer. (Kisses Emília)

Emília: What happened to the shy Mika?

Mika: It's here that it become very small yesterday.

Emília: You have now lost your timidity and you are full of it.

Mika: Is it bad?

Emília: No. And judging from last night you had no reason to be so afraid. (blinks the eye)

Mika smiled at the floor as his cheeks turned pink.

Emília: Look, there he is!

Mika: Who?

Emília: The shy Mika who blushes like a child. (kisses his face quickly) I love this Mika. And I also love it when he lets me put on my clothes.

Mika noticed that he was still clinging to Emília's sweater and she still had her pants to put on and left her.

Emília: Merci beaucoup.

Mika: Tout ce que vous voulez mon amour *. (* Anything you want, my love)

Emília: If you speak to me in French, it's harder to resist you.

They dressed and Emília put the hat of Mika, now hers, and made her suitcase. They went to the airport with a group of journalists following in their footsteps almost until they got on the plane.

Emília: I can not believe I'm going back to London! You've seen how long I have not been there! How long I have not been to my second house!

Mika: Your house should already have cobwebs.

Emília: (Bangs Mika's arm) Do not joke about it!

Mika: Your first house is in Portugal, right?

Emília: Of course!

Mika: So where is your home? It is much more important than the house.

Emília: My home? (smiles) It's this plane.

Mika: (frowns) This plane? That is weird.

Emília: Right now it is, because my home is where you are.

Mika smiled and kissed Emília's forehead.

Emília: Sorry, it was corny.

Mika: No. I feel exactly the same about you.

They arrived in London and Mika went with Emília to her house.

Emília: You're welcome. I'll undo the suitcase.

Mika: What? I thought you just came to see your house and see that everything was fine!

Emília: What do you mean?

Mika: Em, stay with me. In my house.

Emília: But ... Is not your family there?

Mika: Some times ... Yes. But that's no problem at all.

Emília: Yasmine is one of those, is not it?

Mika: Sometimes she shows up but ... (grabs Emília's hands) Em, ignore her.

Emília: We do that. I spend all day with you, within the possibilities, but I come to spend the night here.

Mika tilted his head back and took a deep breath.

Emília: It's either take it or leave it, Mika.

There was a time of silence with them looking at each other. Mika finally begins to smile.

Mika: In that case ... I'll take it.

Mika got down a little, turned his back to Emília and grabbed her so that she was behind him. She gripped his neck tightly, afraid he would let her go, and Mika started heading for the exit door.

Emília: Mika! Do not take me to the street like that!

Emília had a reason to ask for it. It was not long before they were surrounded by photographers. A part of her wanted to scold him. They were going to stuff magazine covers the next day with that scene. Still, the day before, they had spoken publicly about their relationship. However, on the other hand, Mika was laughing so much that she had to laugh too and not wanting to know what they were going to write.

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