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On the day before the concert Emília's friends filled her Skype calls with requests. Definitely, they had gone to see the video on instagram. Emília soon made the call and they met her alredy laughing.

Anabela: Thank you Emília! That's all I have to say!

Bianca: That video made my day!

Emília: Yeah, I can see that.

Júlia: But seriously. He looked super sweet. Kind, modest and fun.

Emília: He really is. It leaves people completely confortable.

Anabela: And it's super cute.

Emília: Yeah... maybe... I don't know... yes.

Cátia: Oi ... So? You need some water, or what? (winks)

Emília: Where were you yesterday when I referred to his sexual orientation?

Cátia: You never know if he changes! You better be careful!

Bianca: (rolls her eyes with irony) Yes, because it is like that. They are gay, then the next day they are not.

Emília: Theres nothing to learn with you!

Emília's phone began to ring and she grabbed it and opened her eyes to see who was callig.

Emília: My God! Is Mika!

Cátia: That's a sign!

Emília: A sign to shut mouths as I speak.

They shut up and approached the camera, as if they could better hear the call.

Emília: Hello ... No, no, talk ... Yes ... Yes, no problem ... I'll be there in 20 or 25 minutes ... See you ... Kisses.

When Emília hung up the call and looked at the computer they were all super close to the camera and super attentive without moving.

Emília: (laughs) You are ridiculously silly.

Bianca: You're leaving?

Emília: Yes. He's rehearsing and asked me for help, so I have to go. Goodbye girls. Now I only speak to you in Milan.

Bianca: I'm jealous!

Emília: I also prefer that you were here. But I can not do anything. Bye. Kisses and huges.

All: By!!

Emília went to the studio where he was running the rehearsal. She had to show for the first time, her ID card with the image of the new tour.

Emília: I arrived.

Lola: Good. Mika, she is already here.

Emília: What is it?

Mika: Emília ... I do not know how to say this.

Emília lost the smile that always accompanied her to see the serious face of the curly guy.

Emília: What? You're scaring me.

Mika: As you know, tomorrow, after the concert, we will go to Milan.

Emília: Yes, and then?

Mika: You ... you're not going with us.

Emília: But why? Did I do something wrong?

Mika: Yes. We shared the video of the flashmob and... received negative reviews. Sorry but your work is done here.

Emília let out a tear. How was this possible?! Everything was going so well! Now what would she do with her life? It was the end!

Mika: Emília.

(Emília raises his head and her wet eyes look into Mika's eyes)

Mika: Have i not told you that I am a great dancer?

Emília: (confused) Yes.

Mika: So how do the flashmob could have bad reviews?!

(Emília frowns)

Mika: (lays his hand on Emília shoulder) I hope that you already have the suitcase to Milan made.

Emília: What?!

Lola: He's kidding, Emília!

Mika started laughing and Emília, furious with that game, began to punch him in his arms.

Emília: How could you?!

Mika: I'm sorry, we do this all new team members.

Emília: It's horrible!

Mika: (laughing) I'm sorry.

Emília: (serious and accelerated breathing) Do not apologize!

Mika: I'm sorry. (Hugs Emília) Sorry, sorry. Now I'm feeling bad.

Emília: This time i will let pass it. (smile)

Lola: Okay people, it's over. Get back to your work.

(All scatter)

Emília: Wait. I was called for this?

Mika: Basically. (He sits at the piano)

Emília: Is that so? You call me only to make fun of me and then you sit in the little piano and continuous as if I am not here?

Mika: You can go. Or you can stay there. We only need to see a song.

Emília sat on a blue couch and watched the rehearsal. And she's glad she did. It was the most beautiful moments that she has ever seen. It was not just that Mika had a spectacular voice. The band was very good.

In the end the members were leaving ending up with just Mika very focused on the piano and Emília and Lola whispering on the couch.

Emília: Whant so mutch grab that guitar.

Lola: You play?

Emília: Yes. But I left mine in Portugal, so I do not play since I came.

Lola: You can grab it.

Emília: There will be no problem?

Lola: Nope. But try not disturb Mika.

Emília got up and went slowly to the guitar that was stuck among other instruments. This greatly complicated the task of taking. All her movements were slow to not make noise. The moment when she was taking the viola, a lot of instrument beat each other noisily. Mika stopped playing and turned back seeing Emília with the guitar in hand, still bent back.

Emília: (smiles slightly) Sorry.

Mika: What are you doing?

Emília: Takeing the guitar.

(Mika frowns)

Emília: She said I could. (Points the sofa)

They both looked at the couch and was empty. Very smart. Shee spoke and left. Lola was also quite agile, no doubt.

Emília: She was there.

Mika: Yes, she is always like that. She does not want to intorrup me. So gos away without saying anything. But... you know how to play?

Emília: Yes ... sort of ... very little ... I'm a misery.

Mika: You can't be worse than me! Come here and play something.

Emília: You really want to find reasons to fire me, is not it?


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