The kiss

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Guido: Or we recorded the kiss today and finished or left the kiss for tomorrow and we can be here just the three of us if you prefer. How do you want to do it?

Mika and Emília looked at each other, trying to read each other's thoughts.

Emília: For me ... It's ok one way or another. Mika, do you want to end this today or you'd rather leave it for tomorrow?

Mika: Well ... It's just a kiss. I think it's best if we record today and tomorrow we're free. It would be a little stupidto leave a kiss for tomorrow. Do you agree?

Emília: Yes.

Mika: Can it be Guido?

Guido: Let's do this. Just a few minutes to organize the scene.

After the "coffee" was made, Emília and Mika sat on the high stools in front of the counter. Guido led the camera closer to them making a smaller plan.

Guido: Whenever you want. Do not forget is that we have to feel the passion. I do not want you to touch yourlips.

Emília and Mika laughed and looked at each other.

Mika: It looks like it is now. Are you nervous?

Emília: No. I'm fine. And you?

Mika: (swallows) I'm fine too.

Emília: So let's get this done.

Emília moved a little closer to Mika and smiled sideways. He also approached her and they got their noses almost touching. Emília thought of taking the next step and kissing Mika but before she reacted he put his hand on her face. Emília looked into Mika's eyes and saw that he was already looking into her eyes. She had never seen Mika's gaze so sweet. He started to move closer to her as he closed his eyes and she closed her eyes too. After that, Emília only felt Mika's lips against hers. The kiss must have lasted at most ten seconds, but it seemed like long minutes. At the end of the kiss they both turned away and Emília looked at Mika. She tried to look as natural as possible but she was almost sure he smiled. The only thing that woke them from that trance was Guido's scream.

Guido: Good job! It's all recorded.

There was an applause that when they saw it came from Guido, Lola and Fedez.

Guido started packing his things. Mika and Emília left the scene.

Lola: Félicitations! Was it difficult? (Congratulations!)

Emília: Aaaa ... I do not think so. Mika?

Mika: Yeah ... I'm going to change my clothes.

Emília: Me too.

They went each for their little dressing rooms. A few minutes later they left with their clothes on.

Fedez: Emília, I have to go. Will I see you tomorrow?

Emília: Mika, would he?

Mika: Yes ... Tomorrow we have the recording of a short interview about the auditions so ...

Emília: It seems so.

Fedez: Ci vediamo domani bella. (See you tomorrow, beautiful)

Fedez approached Emília to give her a hug, but instead she gave him a quick, embarrassing kiss on the cheek. Lola frowned at that moment and Fedez left.

They went the three to Mika's house to have dinner together. During the meal there was an unbearable silence. There had never been a dinner with Mika and Emília in which silence reigned.

Lola: How does it feel to have just finished recording the video?

Emília: Good.

Mika: Proud.

Lola waited for them to plan the topic but instead there was more silence.

Lola: What have you planned for tomorrow beyond the X Factor interview?

Mika: Before that I have to go to the recordings of a movie.

Emília: Is it tomorrow ?!

Mika: Yes.

Emília: Good!

And more silence.

Lola: Pourquoi ne parlez-vous?! (Why do not you talk ?!)

Emília and Mika looked up from the dishes and looked quickly at Lola.

Lola: This silence is killing me! Is something wrong?

Mika: I do not think so.

Emília: Maybe we are tired.

Mika: That's right.

Lola pretended to believe that excuse and did not insist on them talking anymore. When they finished that silent dinner they went to the couch where Lola had been talking about the wedding. It left only a few days to travel to Paris. Emília could not hide her enthusiasm.

Emília: I have not been to a wedding for so long! I do not know if I can behave in such a ceremony.

Lola: But do you think I expect you to behave ?! I invited you both mentally ready to have bridal cake through the air.

Mika: Really ?! Is that why you invited us?

Lola: For that and nothing more. Did you think you were my friends ?!

Emília and Mika laughed and Lola ended up laughing too.

Lola: Now seriously. I love you. A lot. You are like my younger brother and sister.

Emília: You look so old saying that!

Lola: And I am! I'm 36 years old! At my side you are a child! But what I mean is ... I know I'm always scolding you guys, but the truth is I have to admit that you and your foolish things make me very happy. (looks at the clock) It's late. I have to go. (gets up) Emília is cool, Mika is cool but Emília and Mika are special. Do not forget that, okay?

Emília hugged Lola and Mika hugged them as well.

Emília: You're the best big sister I could have.

Mika: That we could have.

They left, smiled, and Mika took Lola to the door. Emília stood on the couch with cross-legges watching the television. Mika watched her in her pajamas with hearts. How cute she was in her pajamas. She looked pensive and melancholy. She was probably thinking about what Lola had said. Or was he thinking about the kiss? He went to the kitchen and came back with a cup of tea and a cupcake that landed in front of Emília.

Emília: What is this?

Mika: It's for you. I think you need it.

Emília smiled and ate what Mika offered. Mika went to bed and after she ate, she went to bed too.


A/N: What do you think is going on here? In the next chapter we will discover everything that goes on in the head of Emília through another letter of her. Do not forget to vote and comment. Thanks.

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