See you later Pennimans

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The next morning Mika opened the bedroom door and was soon greeted with a brisk "good morning." When she stopped rubbing his eyes, he saw Emília in the hallway with a big smile.

Mika: Em, were you expecting me to leave?

Emília: Of course not! It was a coincidence. That is, if you believe in coincidence.

Mika frowned and Richard appeared from behind him.

Richard: Good morning Emília.

Emília: (smiling) Good morning!

Richard: Well! What a joy!

Richard left behind Mika and headed downstairs. Emília looked at Mika with a big smile as she waited for him to tell her the news but he was distracted seeing Richard leave. When he looked forward, he noticed Emília waiting.

Mika: No, Em.

Emília: No what?

Mika: Nothing happened.

Emília: Did he give you a denialor ...?

Mika: No. I did not try anything and neither did he.

Emília: I'm sorry.

Mika: No, don't be. It was ok. We watch a movie closely against each other and it was ... quite enjoyable.

Emília: So, can you say that night went well?

Mika: Yes. (Smiles) Very well.

Emília: (pats) Now I'm a littlejealous.

Mika: (embraces Emília) Okay, do not be like that. I'll make you breakfast.

Emília looked into Mika's eyes and smiled. He kissed her forehead and led her to the table where breakfast was already served.

Joannine: Did everyone sleep well?

All: Yes.

Joannine: Good. Mika, when are you guys going?

Mika: In the afternoon.

And it was not long before it was time to go. Emília packed her bags with Lola. Taking her things downstairs she passed Mika's room and saw him sitting on the bed next to the suitcase. Emília set down her things and leaned against the entrance to Mika's room.

Emília: M, are you okay?

Emília came in and sat down next to Mika.

Mika: It felt so good to be here that I did not want to leave.

Emília:  You have to admit. You always say that, but then you love to go to the next place and give the concerts.

Mika: It's true but this time it's different. I have a bad feeling.

Emília: About the concert or the trip?

Mika: I do not know.

Emília: (runs a hand through Mika's hair) You'll see that it's going to be okay. (smiles)

Mika finally smiled at Emília. He grabbed his suitcase and left the room followed by Emília. At the top of the stairs he took Emília's suitcase and brought it down. The whole family was already there to say goodbye.

Joannine: (hugs Mika) Take care of yourself. Eat well, do not abuse the candy, do not make very dangerous jumps at concerts ...

Mika: Mother ... (moves away from mother) I'll be fine.

Joannine: I know you will. You have three very good people here to take care of you.

They smiled a little sheepishly at her and then they hugged Joannine.

Joannine: (embraces Richard) Take care of my boy's heart.

Richard: I'll do that.

Joannine: (Hugs Lola) Take care of my boy's safety.

Lola: (smiles and walks away from the hug) I always did and I always will.

Joannine: Emília, (opens arms and Emília embraces her) takes care of the joy of my boy. Although I know you do much more than that.

Emília: (embraces Joannine harder and whispers in her ear) The joy of your boy is my joy.

Joannine let go Emília and ran her hand over Emília's face. Emília then embraced the rest of her family. She gave Paloma a friendly hug that wished her good luck for the trip. Then she hugged Zuleika tightly.

Zuleika: Come back soon, will you?

Emília: Deal.

As soon as Emília released Zuleika, Yasmine stepped away from her. Emília did not know where to turn and Fortuné, when he noticed her embarrassment, opened his arms and Emília finally smiled at him and hugged him.

Fortuné: Do not forget what I told you.

Emília: (laughs) I'll try.

Mika opened the door and they all went to the car as Mika's family waved at the door.

Mika: And that's it. Everything that is good ends quickly.

Richard, who was next to Mika, grabbed Mika's hand on the shift knob.

Richard: Do not be like that. In a few days you can come back.

Mika: I know but these micro-vacations have tasted so good.

Despite trying to encourage Mika he was traveling to the airport a bit down. When they got to the airport, each one grabbed his things. Several journalists were waiting in the street.

Mika: Here we go. I do not feel like journalists now. (locks the car)

Emília: Hey! And if we see who is the first to reach the counter?

Lola: Emília, please ...

Mika: Lola, are you scared to lose?

Lola: Never!

Mika: So I want to see that.

Lola: Guys, do not be chil...

Emília: Prepare!

Everyone got into position except Lola.

Mika: (starts running) GO!

Emília and Richard started to run as fast as they could behind Mika. A little later, Lola also started to run but slower. It was not long before Richard caught up with Mika. As soon as he reached his side, with his free arm, he began to push him to slow him down. Mika tried to take Richard's arm away but he was laughing, which made him lose speed. Richard came in first, followed by Mika, Emília, and finally Lola, who was still a few minutes late.

Richard: And the winner is ... (raises his arms)

Emília raised her hand and gave "high five" to Richard.

Mika: It does not count! He cheated!

Emília: But you did it first, so it's fair.

Richard: You can not always win.

After a few minutes in line and a few more minutes to sign autographs and take pictures they went to the plane where they were waiting for a very long trip back to London where they were going to close the tour with one more concert since the previous one had sold off.

M & Em (Mika Fanfiction - English version)Where stories live. Discover now