Grandma's tea

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Emília went out the door and Lola was already in the car waiting.

Emília: Is this regular?

Lola: What? The tea? Sometimes. I know what you're thinking.

Emília: You know?

Lola: Yes. When I came to work with Mika also found a bit strange he treat me as if we were already friends. Then I realized that he is always like this. At least with people he feels a good energy. In fact, you saw with the dancers.

Emília: It's just that it makes me so comfortable that I'm afraid to overdo because I'm a little clown.

Lola: But you can be really comfortable. Clowning like it. But I'm glad you tell me that for me to take precautions.

Emília: (chuckles) You know, Mika's right. You know it all.

Lola: I do not know everything. I know everything I need to know to deal with this man and that is a lot.

When they arrived Mika had put a table with tea and biscuits and already there was Richard. They sat at the table and Mika served them tea.

Mika: Careful, it's hot.

Emília gently put his lips on the cup and tilted it slightly.

Mika: What do you think?

Emília: (eyes widen) Is delicious!

Mika: Really?

Emília: Yes! It's very good!

Mika: Emília, do you feel much difference from Portugal to England?

Emília: Yes (crack a cookie) without doubt. The people, the weather, the food ... miss a lot the food.

Lola: I also miss French food.

Mika: Me too. A few days ago I tried to make a quiche lorraine and...

Lola: That's dangers!

Mika: Yes, it was very bad.

Lola: I was supposed to stay surprised?

Emília: Are you that bad cooking?

Mika: I'm not good but I'm not that bad. Ask Richard.

Richard: Yes, I ate food made by him and was good.

Lola: But you're the only one to say it. One of two things. Or he's just a goog cokker for you or you want to make him look good.


Emília: You've been together how long?

Lola: I work with Mika for nine years now..

Richard: I almost three.

Mika: And you for days.

After good conversation and tea Richard had to leave. He said goodbay with two kisses in Emília and Lola and with a tight hugto Mika. Emília and Lola stayd a little more but as Lola had to go and Emília had no car had to go with her.

Mika: By tomorrow, in the trials.

(In the car silence fills the air)

Emília: The idea that I had of Richard improved with this time.

Lola: Oh, yeah? What idea did you have?

Emília: I do not think he was so relaxed as I saw him always in a working environment.

Lola: It is anyway. At work is demanding and serious but out of it is a nice guy.

Emília: He has a great friendship with Mika.

Lola: Yes, it is not difficult. Wait? What do you mean withthat?

Emília: Me? Nothing. But why? Is there anything more between them?

Lola:As a Mika's friend for years I tell you that is nothing between them but I know there are people who think or something is between them, or already was, or will be. But I do not know. But you think there's something?

Emília: I do not know! I do not know them that well and to be honest was not even a hundred percent sure that Mika was gay. I thought about it but would not have the nerve to ask.

Lola: But you could. He has no problem talking about their sexuality. Just annoys him if you always insist that he is gay. He hates to put labels in himself but as you are new here and he likes he would not be mad.

Emília: He likes me?

Lola: Yes, he tould me good things about you. He likes your good energy.

Emília smiled and blushed a little with that statement. At home still thought that afternoon. It was certainly time well spent. She felt increasingly comfortable around those people especially with Mika. It seemed that knew him forever. She was excited to know what was coming for the future.

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