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The next day another rehearsal. Emília was not needed at that rehearsal but was at there to see how things were going. When she arrived the dancers were taking a break to Richard could rehears Mika alone.

Richard: You have to be faster!

Mika: I'm not a robot!

Richard: I know but you have to be more agile. Let's start.

Mika stepped back and began again. He came forward to a rhythmic step while snapping his fingers. He stopped in the middle did a dance step with one of the dancers and then came to what would be for the head of the queue where another dancer waited. He reached out to grab the girl in his hand. The goal was that she spined in front of Mika and lifted a little from the ground to the other side.

Mika: (grabs the dancer) Richard, I do not know if this is a good idea.

Richard: Mika, you just have to do it with some speed so that she can  fly a little.

Mika: The problem is that or she will not fly or will fly far away.

The dancer, still hand in hand Mika, opened her  eyes with fear.

Richard: Do not do that with Smantha we need her!

Mika: So I better first workout with someone else.

Richard: It's better. Lola!

Lola: How is it?! Not in your wildest dreams!

Mika: Sois un être cher.

* Be a dear.

Lola: Non.


Mika: Emília ... please.

Emilia: (deep breath) Okay (approaches Mika) But look, I still have many dreams that have not yet realized!

Mika reached out and grabbed Emília's hand. Richard gave the order and Mika pulled Emília, slowly at first, and she was spinning to the other Mika's arm.

Richard: Okay ... that's it, now with more speed.

Emília: Wait! There's the risk of you shoot me into the stratosphere. What you give me in return?

Mika: (thinks) Say something.

Emília: Make a short video to say that you love Portugal and you send a kiss to all Portuguese Mikafreaks and share it on Instagram.

Mika: Done. (Shake hands)

Mika grabbed the hand of Emília and made the same thing but with greater speed so that Emília raised off the ground.

Emília: (opens her eyes slowly) I survived !!!

Richard: It was well done. You can do with Samantha.

Mika repeated the movement with the dancer and performed it perfectly which made him smile with pride. After that step he did not have to move more. The next step was made by the dancers. They were approaching Mika and all with arms stretched up to him and took off his disguise, revealing his identity.

Mika: I have been dismissed?

Richard: For me you are.

Emília: For me no. You owe me a video.

Mika: You're right.

Mika reached into his pocket and pulled out the phone. He went to a corner and Emília followed him. He lifted the phone to level the face and began recording.

Mika: Hello everybody! I am here to deal with things for the next tour but I can not show you because it's a surprise. In fact I'm making this video because I have a message for Portugal and the Portuguese Mikafreaks. I love Portugal, it's a country that i woul like to come back and a big kiss for all the Portuguese fans. I love you. (Sends kiss and  stops the video, without taking his eyes off the screen) You know that they will ask why i made this message?!

Emília: If they ask you can tell the truth. You wanted to show your great love for that beautiful country. (Laughs) But seriously, you can say you lost a bet.

Mika: At least that.

On the last day of rehearsal, although it was already everything very well rehearsaled, dancers and the whole team went busy from one side to the other. Emília when entered the studio, was nearly run over by a dancer who was running to join with others. Suddenly someone shouts his name behind her that made her jump. When she turned she saw Mika.

Emília: But you continue to do this?!

Mika: I'm sorry but i was eager to talk to you but did not have your number.

Emília: What is it?

Mika: It's because of instgram video. They are all asking who is the person who made me say that! In addition to many comments in Portuguese thanking me.

Emília: And then?

Mika: So I think I should introduce you to the fans.

Emília: Really?!

Mika: Yes. Why do we not eat lunch after the test and do a video where I introduce you?

Emília: Aaa ... Yes ... It can be.

Once again, thanks for reading. Prepare yourselfs this story is very big but i love it. Hope you love it too.

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