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Journalist: Well, let's start at the beginning. Emília, Mika's fans have known you since you started working with him. Right from the start you have become a topic of conversation in many magazines. How did you handle it?

Emília: Initially it was strange. I am from Porto, from a modest family and I am not accustomed to being the center of attention. Then I started taking things with less seriousness because otherwise I could went crazy.

Journalist: What was the hardest to deal with?

Emília: I think it was the fact that they already insinuated that Mika and I could have a relationship when we were just friends and I was still establishing a relationship with everyone.

Journalist: But you told the fans that by that time you were already in love with him.

Emília: Exactly. That's why it was difficult to deal with. Because I was really in love with him but I was struggling to stop being. By then Mika was in love. But it was not for me, it was for a man.

Journalist: So Mika did find out recently that he was not homosexual?

Mika: That's right.

Journalist: When did you find out you were bisexual?

Mika: Like... Finding out that I'm bisexual was a time-consuming process. What I began to feel was that I liked Emília too much. Then realizing that it was love and that I was bisexual was very difficult because, like the rest of the world, I never believed it was possible.

Journalist: When exactly?

Mika: I'd say it was the vacation break. It was at this point that I saw that I could not stay so long without Emília.

Emília: I also missed him a lot at that time. When he came to me he gave me an hug so strong it almost choked me.

Journalist: And did Emília realize this change of feelings on Mika?

Emília: No. What I realized was that he was very strange. We used to comment on cute guys and he never seemed interested in anyone. I also had a possible relationship with a person and he was angry with that which was not usual ...

Journalist: But you did not know the reason?

Emília: No. The moment that made me more suspicious was in the recordings of the video in which ... (for Mika) Can I say?

Mika: Yes. When this comes out the video will already be on the Internet.

Emília: In the video we had a scene where we had to kiss and ... I thought it was going to be strange, to kiss my best friend. However, there was nothing strange. I ... just thought, "Has he done this before and is he a good actor or did he really want to kiss me?" I did everything to believe in the firts hypothesis because I did not want to have to go through everything I went through to forget him again.

Journalist: Was that your first kiss?

Emília and Mika looked at each other and smiled.

Mika: Yes.

Emília: I'm not sure if that's the first kiss.

Mika: Why not?

Emília: Because it was not spontaneous. I did not want to kiss you. It was a matter of work.

Mika: But I wanted to kiss you! And do not lie! I am not stupid. The kiss you gave me was not represented!

Emília: (smiles) Partly.

Journalist: So, Emília, when did you kiss after that?

Emília: It was at the wedding of a great friend of ours. He declared himself and I had to kiss him.

Mika: Did you ?! I kissed you!

Emília: And I told you to do it.

Journalist: However, it's only been a while since you shared this information.

Mika: Yes. As you figure this is not an easy thing to tell. We knew we would take it with all kind of comments.

Journalist: What have you heard?

Emília: Of negative? That i'm taking advantage of Mika.

Mika: We've also heard that we have a deal and that we're faking the relationship or that I've been pretending to be gay all this time.

Journalist: In addition to the difference of genres that, in your case, gave a lot to talk about, you also have some age difference. How do you handle it?

Mika: Age difference?

Journalist: Yes. Emília is 27 and you are 32, right?

Mika: (thinks) Y-yes ...

Emília: It's only 5 years. We feel no difference at all. I am mature and he is childish.


Journalist: To finish. Plans for the future.

Mika: What do you want with that question? (laughs)

Journalist: Do you intend to marry, have children? Already have an idea?

Mika: We still can not say anything about it.

Emília: What I can tell you is that Mika is, like, my ideal man.

Mika smiled and frowned.

Emília: Do not say anything Mika. He was always my ideal man when we were just friends and I am sure that I will never find a man who complements me as Mika does. He makes me laugh when I need to, makes me cry when he's not around and, above all, makes me feel like the most special woman in the world. So I can not tell you what our future will look like. What I can tell you is that I really love Mika. I've never been so happy and whatever happens, what Mika is giving me I'll never forget. And yes, I would really enjoyed if all that happenned. Marriage or simply a house in common. Have children or adopt. The truth is that for me this has become a secondary plan and something that will resolve itself over time because I am super happy as I am now. Just the two of us traveling and working. (Silence) I do not know if I answered your question.

Journalist: More than answered. Mika, do you want to add something?

Mika: I make her words my own. I did not know what love was until I met Emília.

Emília: (puts her head on Mika's shoulder) Aww! You are so sweet!

Mika: I just said one sentence! Have you listen everything you said about me ?!

Emília: It does not matter if it was just a sentence. I felt that there was feeling.

Journalist: (smiles and stretches her hand) Thank you very much. (shakes Mika's hand) It was a pleasure. (shakes hands with Emília)


A/N: Did you like the interview? What would you like to ask them? What did you think of Emília's great answer?

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