From dream to reality

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Emília and Mika were sleeping deeply on the bed side by side when they heard what sounded like a knock on the door. Emília sat on the bed and shook Mika who woke up half-dazed. The noise was repeated but this time with more intensity.

Mika: Do not leave here. I'll see.

Mika got up and left the room. Emília lay in bed trembling on all sides. Suddenly the noise grew louder. Emília heard Mika arguing with someone in Arabic. She got up and went to see what was going on. The moment her feet hit the ground, a gunshot was heard. She left the room running and saw three or four men with faces covered with rags and weapons in their hands. She looked around and did not see Mika. She stepped to the front of the sofa and saw Mika lying on the floor on a pool of blood. She ran to him and knelt beside him, crying. When she looked up the men were gone. Emília shook Mika tightly as she called his name as loudly as she could but he did not respond and blood already seemed to cover the whole room. Unsure how, she began to hear her name being called but ignored it and continued to clutch Mika in desperation.

Suddenly, wake up. It had all been a nightmare. She wakes up to sweat and breathe at great speed. She looks to the side and sees that the one who was calling to her was Mika.

Mika: Are you okay?

Emília, without saying anything, throws herself at Mika and hugs him.

Emília: (whispers and flawed in voice) Wa-war Mika. I do not want it anymore. I do not want to hear any more shots.

Mika: It was just a nightmare.

Emília: It was not.

Mika: Let's do it like this.Now you're going to try to get some sleep, and early in the morning we're going to catch a plane and get out of here. It's ok?

Emília: (looks into Mika's eyes) But didyou not have to go to another place?

Mika: It's ok?

Emília nodded and went back to lie down and hug Mika to sleep again.

The next morning Emília felt much better and Mika kept his promise. They went to the airport and Mika left Emília to decide where she wanted to go. She just wanted to leave and he advised her to go to Portugal. She accepted if he went with her and the deal was closed.

As soon as they left the plane in Oporto, Mika called Zuleika because he had several calls from his sibling.

Mika: Is everything okay? I have a lot of calls from you ... Really ?! (runs a hand through his hair) How is that possible?! ... But it can only be rumors. They can not be certain of anything because we were careful, unless ... Do you think that was it? ... I believe in that possibility after the way she reacted to everything ... I do not know, I'll talk to Emília to see what we're going to do. Thank you for letting me know.

Emília: Send kisses.

Mika: Emília is sending you kisses ... (laughs) Okay, i will. Goodbye, kisses. (he switches off the call) She also sent you kisses and told us to behave well.

Emília: And what did she want? It's all right?

Mika: More or less.

Emília: Mika, do not scare me.

Mika: She called to let us know that we are already appearing on the news in England.

Emília: What do you mean?

Mika: They found out that you went with me to Lebanon and, I don't know how, but they're suspicious that we're more than friends, even though I'm gay.

Emília: How can they hypothesize something so improbable?

Mika: Zuleika said that someone gave some "clues" to help them start mistrusting us and so they started to become more aware so they could make history.

Emília: Someone? You're not thinking about Yasmine, are you? Do you think she could go that far?

Mika: I do not know anymore. I've never seen her like this.

They went to Emília's house to leave things, but since the house was empty, they left quickly to go home to Emília's parents. They received her with a tight hug. Just what she needed most. As worried parents they are, they asked several questions about what had happened in Lebanon and Emília told the moments of terror that lived there. If the parents were already worried, they were even more.

Paula: I told you it was dangerous to go there. You should have listened to me.

Emília: No, I should not. Although everything that happened I would go anyway. It was a unique experience. And there's no need to exaggerate. It was just a scare. We all went well.

Meanwhile, Mika has been researching his name to find out about news such as "Is Mika really gay?" or "Does Mika have a friend or more than that?" or also "Mika and Emília: friendship that looks like romance". The news was accompanied with images they had posted or pictures of them walking around with holding hands or holding each other. In fact, nothing they did not do before dating. Mika showed what he had found to Emília and she gave him a worried smile.

Emília: What do we do now?

Mika: What do you want to do?

Emília: Me?

Mika: Yes. Now it's you who decide. I'm ready to face the world and take what I feel for you. But we only do it if you want. I'm sure you'll get a lot of support from fans but I also know they're going to bring along lots of stories and questions that are going to be hard to deal with. Whatever you choose, I'll accept your decision. What do you choose?

Emília: I ... I do not want to have to always be thinking that I can not hug you, I can not kiss you, I can not do anything with you because we're in public. If you want to end this secret let's finish it.

Mika: (smiles and grabs Emília's hands) In that case, I want to ask you something else. We've never had a date, a real date. Do you want to come and have dinner with me?

Emília: (jokingly) Oh my God! Are you inviting me to a romantic date ?! (smiles) I do not know if my boyfriend it's ok with that...

Mika: Is that a yes?

Emília: It's a "I wold love it".

Mika: But there is a snag. I do not know this. You'll have to be the one to choose the restaurant.

Emília: (ironically) Wow Mika. That shore it's romanticism.


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