Once Upon A Time

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The next day Mika passed it on interviews and rehearsals and Emília stayed with Lola. Since the concert was that night and Mika did not have time to answer the questions of the fans they decided that it was best for him to do it after the concert, more properly, at his house.

At the end of the concert instead of the typical rush to catch the plane they could go back to the hotel and rest. The next day Emília was awakened with a very enthusiastic Mika.

Mika: Emíla! Let's go!

Emília got up and had breakfast with Mika. Then Mika dressed at the speed of light.

Mika: Emília, will you not get dressed?

Emília: I do not know what to wear.

Mika: You?! It's not possible!

Emília: I have to look good. First impression remains.

Mika: For God's sake, Emília, take some random clothes. No one will care about that.

Emília did as Mika told her, although she was not entirely sure of herself. They left the four of them into Mika's car that drove them home. At first the trip was silent but after a while with the radio on everyone started to sing and the atmosphere became quite entertaining.

Mika: It feels so good to be taking a trip home.

Lola: I understand.

Emília: I wish I could do the same.

Mika: It's almost there Em.

Emília: I know and and happy for that. My parents and my friends are more and more impossible to deal with. They ask me lots of questions and I try to answer but it is not easy to tell everything from a distance.

In a few hours they reached their destination.

Mika: Okay. Before we go. Emília, be yourself. Lola, do not make little jokes to my mother.

Lola: Il semble comme d'habitude*! (* it looks like it's usual)

Mika: I know you do not usually do it but it was just to remaind you. And Richard ... just relax. Everything will work out. They like you. (grabs Richard's hand)

Lola: Stop with that and let's leave that I'm tired.

They went to the door of the big house and Mika opened it with his key.

Mika: (shouts) Can I?

As Mika's voice rumbled through those walls, there were hurried footsteps.

- Mother! Mika has arrived !!

Emília bent down to see inside the house but as soon as she did the only thing she saw was a girl running to Mika and hugging him so tightly that he had to let Richard out to grab her.

- I missed you so much!

Mika: Me too. (Lets go of the girl) It's Richard and Lola, you already know. You do not know Emília.

Emília was behind them all and a little afraid to move.

Mika: Emília, come here. Come in.

Lola and Richard walked inside the house so Emília could enter and get next to Mika.

Mika: Emília, this is my older sister, Yasmine.

Yasmine looked Emília in the eye and Emília held her breath at the sight of her beautiful blue eyes.

Yasmine: Wellcome Emília.

Emília: Thank you. It's nice to meet you.

Yasmine gave a small, quick smile. So small and quick that it seemed fake to Emília. This situation was a little uncomfortable for Emília but was saved by the presence of three more women.

"Son, I'm glad you're home again."

A lady, well, apparently Mika's mother, approached with a tender look and, after greeting Richard and Lola, hugged Mika strongly.

Mika: Mom, this is Emília. Emília, this is my mother Joannie and there to greeting Richard and Lola are Paloma, also my older sister, and Zuleika, my younger sister.

Joannie: Give me a kiss, my dear. (kisses Emília's face) It's such a pleasure to meet you after so much of what I've heard about you.

Emília: It is a great pleasure to be received in your home.

Paloma and Zuleika approached and greeted Mika and then Emília.

Joannie: Make yourself comfortable, my dear ones. Lola and Richard already know it and now it's your turn to know Emília. My house is the home of the people my children love. In fact, I love having a full house.

Emília: As far as I can see it is usually full.

Zuleika: Fortuné is still missing.

Joannie: Believe darling, it's not usually full. Mika is always abandoning us, the girls sometimes go with him other times they are in business and even my baby is away from home.

Paloma: (covers her mouth with her hand and whispers to Emília) She still thinks Fortuné is a baby.

Emília smiled.

Joannine: Well, let's get organized. Girls, show them the rooms where they're staying.

Zuleika: Come on Emília, I'll take you there. Lola, you're staying with Emília, so come with me. Paloma, take Richard.

Emília looked at Mika and smiled at him. He smiled back and winked at her.

They followed Zuleika around the house while she talked to Lola with great enthusiasm. Emília was looking around to see the house. The walls were full of drawings. The house looked like a work of art.

Emília: Who decorated the house?

Zuleika: Mika and Yasmine.

Emília: It's spectacular.

Zuleika: Absolutely. They worked for months to build "Once Upon A Time. I know, it's weird, but it's the name of the house.

Emília: I think it's appropriated.

Zuleika: You're staying in this room. It has two beds, one for each. There's a closet here if you want to put something in and there's a bathroom here. If you need anything my room is next door.

Lola: Zuleika, ma chère, where is Richard going to sleep?

Zuleika: (smiles) You do not change Lola. He's going to the room you stayed last time. But my mother said that it was better to ask him if he preferred to stay with Mika.

Lola: I can already hear the answer.

(On the other side of the house)

Richard: No. Thanks, but I'll stay here.

Paloma:  It's your decision. We feel confortable with your decision.

(In the kitchen)

Joannine: Mika, how's everything going?

Mika: Good.

Joannine: What about Richard? Is it to last?

Mika: Mom, I do not know. I like him and he likes me. But I can not tell you.

Joannine: I hope itlasts Mika. You're not old enough to play.

Mika: I want to settle too, but I can not promise anything. Our relationship is not perfect but I can not wait for a perfect relationship either. And how are things here?

Joannine: The normal. Just do not forget that you have our support.

Mika: I know.


A/N: In the next chapter Emília has the opportunity to get to know Mika's family better and not everything "is roses". She also meets Mika's younger brother who is anything but the baby his mother thinks.

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