Searching for fans

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Emília: Do you want to talk about what just happened?

Mika: I loved it but I do not know what else to say. That's what you heard. (runs his hands over his face and hair) I do not understand. Sometimes it seems that he feels the same way about me at other times  don't and the worst is that he does not talks to me!

Emília: Mika, he likes you.

Mika: You think?

Emília: He kissed you!

Mika: You're right but...

Emília: But what? Did he kiss you or just touched your lips with his?

Mika: He (smiles and blushes) ... what do you want to know?

Emília: I asked a very simple question.

Mika: (embarrassed) Yes ... it was a serious kiss. It was very good and I expected to have received another one in the morning but I was wrong.

Emília: You're going to talk to him about it. But now give him some time, and please, when you talk to him, do not exalt yourself. You have to stay calm. (She grabs Mika's face, forcing him to look into her eyes) Okay?

Mika: Yes.

Emília: Now, I know I'm not Richard, but I can kiss you to make up for what he did not give you.

Mika: (smiles) I always accept that.

Emília smiled and Mika stretchedhis lips with his eyes closed.

Emília: Mika!

Mika: What is it? Were not you going to replace Richard's kiss?

Emília slapped him in the face and then grabbed him to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Emília: I said I was not Richard. Well, I'm going to dress myself  becauseI have to work.

She went to dress while Mika finished his breakfast. Before leaving, she kissed Mika's head.

Emília: M, Do not talk to Richard. He's going to show up here.

Mika: What if he does not?

Emília: He will. See you soon.

Mika: Good luck.

Emília: For you too.

Emília left the room and, before leaving, knocked Richard's room.

Emília: Richard, it's me.

Richard finally opened it and his red eyes let clearly visible that he had been crying.

Emília: Go talk to him.

Richard: Emília ... he will not understand.

Emília: You did not try! Richard, he really likes you. He will hear you.

Emília stretched, kissed Richard's face, and walked away.

As soon as she got to the room where she had been yesterday, there were Lola and Guido.

Lola: Good morning, finally, let's get this moving.

Emília: Sorry for the little delay but there were some problems that I had to deal with. I'll explain later, Lola.

Lola: I see.

Guido prepared the electronic material like the camera and the microphone, and Lola got a paper with questions if she did not remember any of them. After everything, they went to the door of the building where Mika would act. Guido behind the camera, Lola on the side if something could be needed and Emília with a microphone in hand. It was a bit difficult until Emília gained initiative to approach people but once she started doing it, it was becoming easier.

(A/N: The conversation with the fans is in portuguese)

Emília: (approaches a couple) Sorry. Do you know who's going to be here?

- Not in this moment.

Emília: Do you know Mika?

They shrugged their shoulders and frowned.

Emília: I see you do not. Thanks.

Unfortunately, many of the answers were like this. Mika was known in the four corners of the world but in some corners it is only known to some.

Emília: (to Guido) Nobody knows him!

Guido: Continue.

Emília continued to ask and in the midst of many "no's" there was some who knew but it was a knowledge by chance, often knew only Grace Kelly and did not even know he was around town. Others knew but they already had tickets.

Lola: Emília, (points out) those girls are watching the concert poster. It does not mean anything but try.

Emília nodded and walked over to them.

Emília: Excuse me.

They turned to Emília, and after their first fright that somebody was talking to them in the middle of the street, they smiled a big smile.

Emília: Do you know who it is? (points poster)

- Yes, he's a British singer.

Emilia: What are your names?

"I'm Nicole, and she's Taís.

Emília: I am Emília.

Nicole: Really ?!

Emília: Yes.

Taís: It seemed to me but I thought it was just someone similar.

Emília: So you know me?

Nicole and Taís: Yes.

Nicole: You're Mika's friend.

Emília: That's true. I really am. And you're his fans, right?

Nicole and Taís: Yes.

Emília: How did you become fans of him?

Nicole: I've known him since Grace Kelly. I've listened to the radio and I've followed it ever since. Then I met Taís at school. She was alone crying. I went to her and asked why she was crying.

Taís: I answered that some guys were calling me fat.

Nicole: So I showed her the song Big Girl and she stopped crying. I always hear Mika when I feel sad.

Taís: And that's how we became best friends and mikafreaks.

Emília: It's a very beautiful story. Aside from saving each other, did Mika save you both ?!

Nicole: Absolutely.

Emília: And you're going to the concert?

Nicole: We loved it but right now is impossible. We can not afford it.

Taís: This new CD is wonderful. Talk About You is my cell phone ringtone. I saw the tickets price to surprise Nicole because it will be our birthday but it is impossible.

Nicole: That'still a beatiful act, my friend. (embraces Taís)

Emília: What if I helped to be more than that?

Nicole: What do you mean?

Emília: I have not told you what I'm doing yet, basically, I'm looking for you. Fans of Mika who have not get tickets but deserve them. And I have no doubts that you deserve them.

Emília turned to Lola who handed her two tickets. They barely saw the tickets, opened their mouths in amazement and grabbed each other's hand. Emília handed them the tickets, and they grabbed them with trembling hands. They looked at them as if they were checking if they were true or not and then hugged each other smiling.

Nicole and Taís: Thank you.

Emília: We thank you for being the dedicated fans that you are.


A/N: In the next chapter... Richar and Mika will have the talk... Will Richard say what he feels about Mika?... Will they kiss?... Comeback to know ;)

M & Em (Mika Fanfiction - English version)Where stories live. Discover now