Talk About You

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Richard and Mika continued on their way to the studio without ever uttering a word. Mika's head was full of words to say, but it seemed that his mouth did not respond to the brain and the words ended up trapped inside himself. What he did not know was that Richard was having the same problems. So no one ever said anything until they got to the studio. Mika opened the door and was surprised to see it was empty. They had actually come earlier than usual but sometimes there are band members who appear earlier to train alone. Mika came in and sat down at the piano. Richard took off his coat and set it down on the couch.

Mika: Richard, any specific choices?

Richard: No. I like them all.

Mika smiled and started to play Talk About You.

Mika: "Walk through the city. Like stupid people do. A million faces. But all I'm seeing is you".

As he sang Richard approached the piano until he stood by the piano with his elbow resting on it. Mika's gaze shifted between the piano and Richard's eyes as he smiled.

Mika: "I said you're the only one I wanna talk about. Yeah it's true. All I do is wanna talk about you."

There was no doubt that the words that were being spoken were not by chance. Mika had chosen that song with an intention. He was trying to show Richard how his presence changed his world. He was singing to him. He did not even know he could do it!

When the song was over Mika ran her sweaty hands through his pants and looked at Richard with a smile and he replied with another smile. Mika looked at him hoping to see in his eyes if he had noticed his message. If he had realized he was the "only person he wanted to talk to." However, when Richard broke the silence just said:

Richard: It was very beautiful.

Mika narrowed his smile and replied with a "thank you." He had not realized. This saddened Mika who looked back at the piano thinking of another song to play but his brain was blocked. What saved him was the sound of the studio door opening. They both turned and saw Max coming in.

Max: Hello everyone! Are you already here?

Mika: You can not always be the first to arrive.

Max smiled and grabbed the bass.

Max: You want to rehearse something with me or I can play some chords first.

Mika: Play a little first. I'll be quiet listening to you.

Max grabbed a chair and led it to the side of Mika who turned his back to the piano to turn to Max. After a few chords Mika was shaking his head hard to the rhythm of the sound. In the end Mika could not hide the enthusiasm for what had happened.

Mika: That was spectacular !!!!

Max: You think so?

Mika: You have to do something like that in the concert!

Max: What ?!

Mika: I'm serious! (Gets up) Get up and play more this time with more emotion. Move yourself more.

Max frowned a little but did not contradict him. He knew it was not worth it. He got up next to Mika and played some chords again but this time with more Rock'n Roll. Mika began to shake as he does in the concerts and Max also fanned a little but nothing compared to the madness of Mika. In the end they were both exhausted and Mika was sweating a lot.

Mika: MY GOD !! You really have to do this !!! It's gonna be awesome!!!

Max: I do not know. I've never done solo without your songs, and even then they've never been so much time.

Mika: You're really good! You have to show this! Besides, I LOVE hearing these solos and from what I realize from my fans they love me to go crazy on stage and it drives me crazy!

Richard: (whispers to himself as he scratches his head) That's a strange thing to say.

Max: Alright! It's ok!

Mika grabbed Max's face with enthusiasm, pulled him hard and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Mika: Thanks! You're the greatest!

Richard: Well, I think I'll give you some privacy.

Mika: What ?! Are you going already?

Richard: Max is here and the other members are already coming, so you do not need me any more. (Grabs the jacket)

Mika: Richard, are you okay?

Richard: (puts on his coat) Yeah, it's okay.

Mika: Okay. Great.

Richard shook Max's hand, gave Mika a quick hug, and left the door. The same door was opened shortly, and when Richard turned to it, he saw Mika's head appear.

Mika: Richard, just one more thing.

Richard: (takes a step towards Mika) Tell me.

There was a little embarrassment. Mika thought about what to say. He did not even know why he'd called. Or maybe he did. He had a lot to say but did not know how or if it was time for that so they stood looking at each other in what seemed like minutes.

Mika: I just want you to know that ... I always need you. Do not say otherwise, okay?

Richard nodded as he gave a faint smile. Then he looked into Mika's eyes and left. Mika before returning to the studio still banged his head on the door about three times while thinking that had done it all wrong.

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