No more secrets

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Mika: It was for someone very special.

Emília: Okay. Go on.

Mika: Emília ...

Emília: That can not be good. You're calling me Emília. But I really want to know what's going on for you being so strange lately so ...

Mika: I'm in love.

Emília: So far I not surprised. Who is he?

Mika: That's the trickiest part. Did you remember when I said I did not want a man in my life?

Emília: Yes?

Mika: I really meant it. I'm in love with a woman.

Emília lifted her arms from the piano and stepped away from him quickly. Mika got up from the piano and approached Emília but she walked backwards.

Emília: Are not you homosexual?!

Mika: I'm so shocked or more than you. I...

Emília: Wait, wait ... How long have you known that you're not gay?

Mika: I do not know ... Maybe, a week ... two ...

Emília: (exalted) Two weeks ?! What type of best friend does not tell that ?!

Mika: I was not sure about that and did not want to rush things!

Emília: You did not have to be sure to tell me! I could have supported you! I could have done something about the woman you're in love with!

Mika: I did not tell you because I love you!

Emília: Mika, I love you, too.

Mika: (surprised) Do you?!

Emília: Of course I do. I told you that whatever happens I will always be here.

Mika rolled his eyes and put his hands to his head in despair as walking on sedi to the other.

Mika: Damn Em! You're not helping!

Emília: What is it ?!

Mika: I love you! I really love you! I could not tell you what I felt for this woman because YOU are that woman!

Emília: What ?!

Mika: That's why I do not support the relationship between you and Fedez. You were right, I was jealous, but I was not jealous of you. I was jealous of Fedez's.

Emília stepped back and began to breathe quickly.

Emília: What are you saying ?!

Mika: I'm in love with you.

Emília: Stop! Do not say that!

Mika: But it's the truth! Is not that what you wanted ?!

Emília covered her face with her hands. Mika saw her shoulders shake and he realized she was crying.

Mika: Emília?

Mika approached Emília slowly and laid his hand on her shoulder. She barely felt Mika's hand she waved her shoulder away.

Emília: Why did not you tell me this before? How could you hide such a thing from me? Hide that you're not gay and that you're in love with me!

Mika: Em, I was scared to lose you! Besides, do you think it was easy for me to start realizing that I was not homosexual ?! It was not!

Emília: And you think it's easy to receive such news ?!

Mika: No, I do not think so, but try to understand my position.

Emília: Your position ?! You have no idea at is my position!

Mika: You're in the position of the woman who discovers that her best gay friend is after all in love with her.

Emília: No. If it was just that...

Emília began to cry even more and Mika was more and more desperate with that conversation.

Mika: Then tell me what is your position. Do not you want to stop with the secrets?

Emília: I am that woman who when I met you fell in love with you but like you were GAY I fought against those feelings. It was very difficult but I had no choice and I was able to put you as a friend. Months later you come to me and you tell me that after all you are not gay and that you are in love with me. Now imagine how I feel!

Mika: You were in love with me ?! Why did not you tell me?

Emília: You were gay !! I was just going to make stupid of myself!

Mika: That's your way to tell me that ... I'm late?

Emília rubbed her wet eyes and looked at Mika. For the first time a tear ran down his cheek. Emília had already seen Mika sad when there had been trouble with Richard but had never seen him so desolate. Emília still cried harder to see him and grabbed her things.

Mika: Em?

Emília: I do not know Mika. I really do not know. You tricked me into something very important and ... I do not know how to react to it. I need some time.

Emília put on her coat, went to the exit door, and opened it.

Mika: Em.

Emília turned to Mika. He no longer had a tear but a river on each side of the face. He approached Emília and she did not move. When he was very close to her, she looked up and fixed his eyes. She hoped he would say something but instead he brought his face to close to hers and kisssed her softly on the forehead. Emília received the kiss with her eyes closed. He pushed his lips away from her forehead but no one moved.

Mika: See you tomorrow Em.

Emília: (moves away and looks into Mika's eyes)See you tomorrow M.

Emilia turned her back and left Mika's house. He closed the door and when he turned he saw the sunflower on the piano. He went there, grabbed it, sniffed it and showered it with his tears. He just hoped Emília was all right. He knew that now she needed her space and that it was better to leave her but it was very painful. He went to the bedroom, lay down, and set the sunflower in the place supposedly occupied by Emília.

Meanwhile Emília was running the streets of Milan to the hotel where Lola was staying.


A/N: What do you think should happen next? I want to read your opinions.

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