Duomo di Milano

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(In the Piazza del Duomo)

The place was beautiful and when Emília arrived there were already several people of the team, including the usual trio.

Emília: Hello.

Lola: Buongiorno Emília!

Emilia: Buongiorno! I apologize! That cathedral is magnificent.

Richard: That's right. You never been there?

Emília: No.

Mika: Come on, Em. I'll go there with you before Lola shares the information and the fans come.

Emília: Can you? It's already everything almost ready!

Mika: But we still can. (Grabs Emília's hand and pulls) Come on!

He almost carried her into the cathedral, and whe they entered the big gates Emília could'nt move absorving such beauty.

Mika: Em, are you going to stay there with your mouth open?

Emília: What?... Right ... I'm sorry.

Emília took a few steps forward very slowly and was turning her head trying to make sure that nothing escaped her gaze. Since she did not seem to be able to move, Mika put his arm around her shoulders so he could give her some swing.

Mika: Welcome to the Duomo di Milano.

Emília: This is magnificent.

Mika: It took 400 years to build so it had to be worth it.

Emília: Really ?!

Mika: Yes. It's all in pink-white marble. Napoleon wanted to crown himself king of Italy here.

(They sit on one of the front seats)

Emília: You're very well informed!

Mika: I know a few things.

Emília: What do you know more?

Mika: Have you seen the stained glass? (Points) Tell stories of saints and prophets. And there (points) is the most famous statue. The statue of St. Bartholomew dissected.

Emília: (a little scared) What do you mean ?!

Mika: It's him holding his own skin in a cloak!

Emília: That's ... weird.

Mika: A little. If we had time we would go to the underground area. But, for today, that's what we can do.

Emilia: Already great! I already know where I'm going to get married!

Mika: Really ?!

Emilia: M, do you think so?

Mika: It would be cool!

Emília: Cool and impossible!

Mika: Why ?!

Emília: Do you think I had a chance to have a wedding in Milan ?! In one of the turistic spots!?Never!

Mika: Never say never, Em!

Emília: Maybe if I start to record a CD now, then I can get married here.

Mika: (laughs) Hey... Who knows.

Emília: (starts laughing) I... I have an idea...

Emília wanted to talk but she could not stop laughing.

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