Walk on boardwalk

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After packing everything in the room she was going to share with Mika, Emília called Romeo.

Emília: Hello, how are you? ... Where are you? ... I've already arrived at the hotel ... Do you know Rio well? ... I've never been here so you could show me the city ... Okay , I'm at Belmond Copacabana Palace, I'm going down and waiting for you ... See you soon, kisses. (turns off the call) M, and you?

Mika: I do not know. Maybe I'll stick around.

Emília: You should not waste such a beautiful day.

Mika: I'll still think about it.

Emília went to Mika and kissed his curly head before leaving. She went right to the door in front of her room and knocked. Seconds later Richard came to open it.

Richard: Emília? Do you need something?

Emília: No, I do not. Do you know Rio well?

Richard: I know the sights. Why?

Emília: Because I'm going for a walk with Romeo and Mika also enjoyed to feel the sun today but he did not want to go alone, so he asked me to come and ask if you wanted to go with him.

Richard: Why did not he come?

Emília: Because ... I was already leaving.

Richard: Okay. I'll get to him. Go and have fun.

Emília: Thank you. (Kisses Richard's face)

Emília ran off and Richard went back into the room to get ready for the ride. As soon as Emília arrived at the entrance of the hotel Romeu was coming. She went running for him, kissed him very quickly and began to pull him.

Romeo: Emília, what's the hurry?

Emilia: I have to go before Mika comes down because I've been getting into his life and if he sees me he will freak out.

Emília grabbed Romeo's hand and they began to walk a little quickly until they lost sight of the hotel.

Meanwhile, at the hotel, Richard knocked on the door of Mika's room and while he waited for him to open, he tugged at the t-shirt he had worn.

Mika: Richard? It's everything all right?

Richard: Yes ... Emília said you wanted company for a ride.

Mika: (frown) She said ?!

Richard: It was ... a lie, wasn't it?

Mika: Well ...

Richard: (bows his head with shame) I'm sorry ... I also ... I have other things to do ... (turns to go back to the room)

Mika: No! Wait!

Richard turned back to Mika but never raised his head.

Mika: I ... loved to take a walk through Rio ... with you.

Richard finally lifted his head a little with that invitation but still did not have the courage to look him in the eye.

Richard: Are you sure? I do not want to bother you...

Mika: You're not. I'll just get my hat.

Mika went back into the room and Richard stood with his back against the wall as he tried to inhale the oxygen he was missing. At that moment Lola left the room.

Lola: Richard ?? Are you fine?

Richard: Hmm ... Yes ... Yes, I'm fine.

Lola: What are you ...?

Mika: Ok, we can go.

Lola: Are you going for a walk boys?

Mika: We are. And you? Do you want to come?

Mika waved her eyes for help as if he was saying "come."

Lola: I have work to do but thank you for the invitation. I think it's a good idea for both of you to go. It's a beautiful day for that.

Mika frowned and inwardly wanted her to shut up.

Lola: To walk, of course. Have fun. (blinks and follows the hotel corridor)

Mika: (makes a forced laugh) This Lola ... is crazy but we love her, right?

They went down to the entrance of the hotel and wondered where they would go. Richard said the best they could do was walk the boardwalk beside the beach.

Also on the beach was Emília and Romeo who were laying out their towels in the sand.

Romeo: So what now? Can you tell me what you did to Mika?

Emília: I can not!

Romeo: Do ​​not you trust me? Are you afraid I'll sell the information to the magazines?

Emília: What ?! Do not be silly! Of course I trust you but I do not know if Mika wants me to tell you.

Romeo: Your relationship can be very strange.

Emília: Maybe, but why do you say that?

Romeo: Because this morning I had to explain why my girlfriend was in a "romantic meeting with Mika".

Emília: What ?! I was?! Did not know!

Romeo: That's how the magazines put it. "Is this a romantic date? If it is not Mika took her friend to a place maybe too romantic just for a way out between friends."

Emília: We were just having dinner!

Romeo: The two of you alone?

Emília: Romeo, for God's sake, do not believe that. They make up everything. To them I am his best friend, girlfriend, woman who wants to be famous at his expense ... For them I am all this and most of them have no meaning.

Romeo: What are you really?

Emília: I'm his best friend. I already told you that. I even told you Mika was gay. Why this mistrust ?!

Romeo: I'm sorry. (grabs Emília's hand) You're right. I'm being stupid. Let's not waste time discussing things without interest.

Emília: (smiles) Great idea.

Not far away were Mika and Richard.

Mika: It's a really hot day. I think I need a drink.

Richard: Let's go in here and have a drink.

Richard pointed to a small open wooden bar that made the connection between the boardwalk and the beach. They went in and asked for something to drink. They were at the counter when they were approached by a group of girls. They confirmed if he was really Mika and asked for photos and autographs. Mika introduced Richard as his friend and choreographer. One of them, tall, with very long brown hair and quite elegant, soon had a conversation with Richard.

Priscilla: I love your name. I'm Priscilla ... and I hate my name. (smiles)


A/N: Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying it, do not hesitate to give me your opinions.

What do you think will happen?

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