Pool party

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When the sun began to set they returned to the hotel where they changed their clothes and then they could go to the party organized by the hotel.

Emília: Mika, do you know that I came to know that they made our dinner in Bilbao a date?

Mika: Are you surprised?

Emília: A little, since we could never have anything with each other.

Mika: That's no obstacle for them. They can make you believe everything.

Emília: I noticed that. Romeo was suspicious.

Mika: Really ?! He has no reason for it.

Emília: I know! I told him thar and he finally realized.

Mika: If I need to talk to him, I can talk.

Emília: It's not worth it. Are you ready?

Mika: Yes.

They went down to the outdoor pool which was lit by lights of various colors and had a bar. In the bar was already part of the team like Lola and Guido.

Lola: Good evening. Will you want something?

Emília: Good evening. I'll want the same as you. And you, M?

Mika: I do not want anything, thank you.

Lola turned to ask for Emília's drink.

Emília: Mika, you're not going to drive.

Mika: Yeah, it's worse. I'm going to be with Richard and I want to be me to be with him, not the alcohol.

Emília: Oh! So you're just playing the role of the well-behaved boy.

Mika: Believe me, it's the best. You do not know how I get when I drink.

Emília: Is that so bad?

Lola: (hands over the glass to Emília) Do you see the small and fine filter that he has between what he thinks and what he says?

Emília: Yes?

Lola: Itfades away.

Emília: That could be very good. (smiles)

Mika: No, Em, it could not.

Richard: Good evening guys.

All: Good evening!

Emília: Lola, let's dance?

Lola: I do not know if ...

Emília: (angry) Let's go!

Emília eventually grabbed Lola's hand and pulled her into the crowd.

Richard: Do you want to go dancing?

Mika: I do not know how to do that.

Richard: Come on. I'll teach you some steps that can you do in every dance floor.

Richard grabbed Mika's shoulder and led him to a place where many people were dancing. Across the pool were Lola and Emília watching them.

Emília: Lola, stop staring!

Lola turned to the other side but when she looked at Emília, she was still staring at them.

Lola: I mean, I can not look but you can!

Emília: (turns to Lola) Oh, sorry! I was distracted!

They began to sway slightly from the music as they looked around to see if they could abstract from them. However, Lola did not last long.

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