Inside lioness

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After the castigs they went to some more recordings of the video. This time Mika and Emília were in the same clothes as the previous day. Instead of the retro coffee they had only a cloth with a pastel tone.

Guido: Very well guys. This time it's like we're inside your heads. In your desires. You only have to be ahead of this cloth while Emilia is messing with Mika and vice versa.

Emília: I can not believe I wrote this.

Guido: Do ​​not forget to be daring, fun, rogues. No shame.

They put the two between the chamber and the cloth.

Guido: You can start whenever you want.

Emília: What do I really do?

Guido: It's a bit free but if you want you can put yourself aside, grab the collar of his coat and bring your face close to his face ...

Emília did as Guido suggested. She grabbed Mika by the clothes and touched her nose in Mika's cheek.

Guido: But now I want it with attitude. Lioness attitude.

Emília could not help it, and she laughed at that phrase from Guido.

Mika: You have to free your inside animal.

Emília laughed more and Mika put his hands together to look like two paws with claws. Emília still laughed at that silly gesture of Mika. After those laughter and Guido putting the music playing the environment became lighter and fun.

Emília managed to show off her sexy side at various times. Having a great confidence in Mika helped a lot. She stepped behind him and as she unlaced the first few buttons of his shirt. She also ran her hands through his hair, and he was all messed up. Sometimes she had to bring the mouth to his ear as if to tell him a secret. Every once in a while Mika laughed or Emília laughed and they had to record again. Guido managed to convince Mika to give Emília a kiss and convinced Emília to kiss Mika's ear. She had some difficulty but after laughing for about five minutes she got there.

In the end, Guido had several sexy moments but he also had fun parts of them laughing and making faces in those moments when they were not acting.

Emília: Do you think it's okay?

Guido: It's getting perfect. Tomorrow we shot the rest of the scenes in the cafe.

They went to change clothes and when Emília left the dressing room there was still Lola and Fedez.

Fedez: Emília, are you busy?

Emília: It depends if you're going to ask me out or not.

Fedez: What do you say about going to have something to drink after dinner?

Emília: I do not know. Ask me in Italian, you might be more convincing.

Fedez:Vuoi venire a bere qualcosa con me bella? (Do you want to come and have a drink with me beautiful?)

Emília: Mi piacerebbe. (I would love to.)

Fedez: So I'll pick you up at nine-thirty. I have to go now. Addio Lola, addio bella.

Fedez left. When Emília looked at Lola she had a wierd-look on her face.

Emília: What is it?

Lola: What's going on here?

Emília: Nothing ... for now.

Lola made a loud "uuu" and Mika approached.

Mika: What's going on?

Emília: Nothing.

Mika: Let's go? Lola, would you have dinner with us?

Lola: It may be.

The three of them went to Mika's house. This time Mika decided that he would make dinner alone so that Emília and Lola could talk. At the end of the meal Emília looked at her watch and saw that it was nine o'clock.

Emília: My God! I have to hurry!

Emília left the table and Mika did not have the opportunity to ask her where she was going. He still asked Lola but she pretended she did not know. About fifteen minutes later, she came back.

Emília: Do I look good?

Lola: Belle comme toujour. (Beautiful as always.)

Mika: Where are you going?

Emília: I'm going out with Fedez.

Mika: What ?! I did not know anything!

Emília: Surprise! You do not have to know everything about my life.

Mika: I thought we shared everything with each other.

Emília: Mika, I'm going to have a drink with Fedez, I'm not going to marry him!

Mika: But why did not you tell me ?!

Emília: Maybe because I knew you would criticize! What's your problem with Fedez anyway?

Mika: I already told you what I had to say!

Emília: It seems to me that you are hiding something from me. Do you know anything about him that I should know?

Mika: No!

Emília: So? Are you jealous?

Mika: Jealous ?!

Emília: Yes! Do you feel anything for Fedez?

Mika: What ?!

Emília: I know you get on very well ...

Mika: I do not have or even intend to have anything with Fedez!

Emília: So what's your problem ?!

Mika: I'm your friend and I care about you!

Emília: And I thank you but now I just want to go have a drink with a nice and interesting man and have a good time.

Mika: And I really hope you have a good time.

Emília: Great! Therefore...

Emília gave two kisses on Lola's face and then on Mika's face and then left. Mika sighed and sat down on the couch. Lola ended up doing the same

Lola: This is new. Now even argue as a couple!

Mika: It seems so. I just hope he does not hurt her. If he does he will be done with me.

After watching a little television and talking Mika sat down at the piano. He set some sheets of music on the piano and Lola grabbed some of them. She realized they were drafts of new music.

Lola: Have you been composing?

Mika: A little but... it has not been working.

In the middle of those pieces of music, some letters leapt into Lola's sight and she decided to read them aloud.

Lola: "'Cause it feels like love / Yes it feels like love / To me."

Mika: Lola! Do not read that! It's not over!

Lola: "Would you know if it's love at all".

Mika: Lola! Give me that! (tries to take the sheet out of Lola's hand but she does not let him)

Lola: It's very beautiful! Can you tell where the inspiration came from?

Mika: Nowhere.

Lola: Okay. You do not have to tell me. This song is for Emília, is not it?

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