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They arrived at Mika's house and he looked around as if searching for someone and then closed the door.

Emília: Is everything okay?

Mika did not answer. Instead, he looked at Emília with a smile and held her making her be stuck between him and the front door. She looked into his eyes and smiled. It was not long before his lips met a passionate kiss. Emília grabbed Mika's clothes to pull him closer to her but it was not necessary because himself came as close to her as possible.

They were kissing passionately when they heard someone cleaning their throat followed by a male voice they recognized as Fortuné.

Fortuné: The bedroom is not that far.

Emília and Mika began to move away slowly. Emília covered her face with her hands in shame as she laughed without making a sound. Mika was also laughing a little and turned to his brother seeing that he had the leashes of the two dogs.

Mika: Don't you have nothing better to do?

Fortuné: No. But if you want, I can pretend I did not see you while you go to the bedroom.

Emília laughed again.

Mika: I would rather you just did not comment instead. But as I know you, I know that's not what you're going to do.

Fortuné: That's why you're my favorite brother. Bye-bye, you better start wearing sunscreen. It's just that you're turning a red face.

Fortuné laughed at his own joke, and as Mika was getting angry, Emília covered her mouth and squeezed it shut so she would not laugh.

Mika: Fortuné!

Fortuné: Well, I came to see if you had already arrived and leave you teh dogs. It was a pleasure to see you again. See you soon Emília.

Emília: See you later.

Fortuné: (leaving) See you soon tomato face.

Mika took a few steps to run towards his brother, which made him run out of the house, afraid he might catch him. Mika turned back to Emília and she was laughing silently.

Mika: I'm sorry. You already know how he islike.

Emília: Yes, I know.

Emília could not contain herself and began to laugh a lot.

Emília: I'm sorry, but is was really funny.

Mika: Are you laughing at me?

Emília: Basically. Excuse me. (takes a deep breath and stops laughing)

Mika: Do not ever apologize for laughing. I told you. If I made you laugh, fine. I love to hear you laugh.

Emília: The same I say to you.

Mika: Yes. And it will be with my stupid laugh.

Emília: Everyone loves your laughter except you! You have to like yourself more! Well, I'll prepar dinner.

Mika: Why ?!

Emília: Your mother, your sisters and your brother are coming to dinner, right?

Mika: Yes. Paloma doesn't come.

Emília: Then done.

Mika: You're a guest. You do not have to do any of this.

Emília: I'm going to make cod with cream. (*portuguese dish)

Mika: (opens his eyes and smiles) In that case ... I no longer object.

Emília: People say that you conquer a men by the stomach and you are one of those.

M & Em (Mika Fanfiction - English version)Where stories live. Discover now