Date with Romeu

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Emília was just getting ready for the date when someone opened the bedroom door. She went to peek and saw Mika enter.

Mika: Wow! You look so beautiful!

Emília: (looks at herself) Do you really think so ?!

Mika: Of course! I chose the dress!

Emília: Well, you're not impartial. I should ask to other person.

Emília begins to grab her suitcase and walking one side to another like a silly cockroach.

Emília: My God. This is going to be so bad!

Mika: No it's not.

Emília: (super restless) What if it does? What if he does not want anything with me? What if he thinks I look awful? What if...

Mika walked over to her and grabbed her by the shoulders to keep her from moving and hugged her.

Mika: Calm down. It's going to be okay. If he isn't interested in you, he is the one who is losing. And would also losa few teeth because I would not forgive him.

Emília: (moves away from the hug and looks into Mika's eyes) Mika!

Mika: (pulls Emilia back to himself) But it will not be necessary!

Emília: (exhales deep) Thank you, M.

Emília pressed her face to Mika's chest, squeezed hard and felt much calmer. Then they backed away a little, looked at each other with a small smile and Mika kissed Emília's forehead.

Mika: You'd better go.

Emília: Yes.

Emília let go of Mika, grabbed her coat and went to the door while Mika sat down on the couch.

Emília: (opens the door) Mika?

Mika was on the couch with his head down in his hands.

Emília: Are you okay?

Mika: Yes. Go and have fun. If you need anything, call me.

Emília: Yes, if I need you to kick him I'll call. (Blinks the eye)

Mika: (smiling) Exactly!

Emília rolled her eyes and left. She knew something was wrong with Mika but she did not want to pressure him. It came out and saw Lola walkin too.

Emília: Hello and goodbye.

Lola: Emília, wait!

Emília, who was trying to go a little unnoticed, ended up having to stop and turn to Lola.

Emília: Yes?

Lola: Vous êtes merveilleux !!

Emília: Lola ..

Lola: I said you look wonderful!

Emília: Ah! Thank you! Will you let me go? It's just that Romeo must have arrived by now.

Lola: Oui ma chère. With the condition that later I want to know everything.

Emília: (rolls her eyes) As if I had a choice.

Emília approached Lola and said goodbye with two kisses.

Lola: Emília, just one thing. I know he's very beau * but do not rush, okay? (*beautiful)

Emília: Lola, please! Almost looks like you don't know me.

Lola: I know what I'm saying.

Emília frowned a little and continued her way still thinking about it a little. What did Lola want to say with that? Did Lola know anything she did not know? Lola did not say things without a purpose. There had to be a reason behind it. However, Emília could not think of it now. There was so much more to think about. She reached the entrance of the hotel, and there was Romeo in a white shirt and a black coat and trousers. Her hair had a perfectly made ridge and her eyes were darker and brighter than ever.

Emília: Good evening.

Romeo: Wow! Emília, I've seen many models but I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you tonight.

Emília: (lowers the face with shame) Thank you. You look really good too.

Romeu reached his hand to Emília, after a moment of watching his hand, finally she grabbed it. He led her to his sporty black car. The trip was made only with the sound of the radio until they came to a restaurant with a very modern look. Romeu told Emília not to leave the car. He left and turned around to open the door for her. She thanked him and took his hand again. They entered the restaurant and Emília noticed how everything shone. The place was very chic. At the entrance was a maid who asked for the reservation. Romeu told her his name and she accompanied them to a table in the middle of that great hall. Romeu pulled Emília's chair to sit down and sat down in front of her. Then the maid handed them the menus.

Romeu: Have you already chosen?

Emília: Um ... I ...

Emília looked at the menu like a donkey looking at a palace.

Romeu: Need some help?

Emília: (smiles) Yes, please.

Romeu signaled to a waiter and choosed for them both.

Emília looked around as they waited for food. Aside from the place being magnificent, full of mirrors, gold and crystal pieces, the people there were all of great elegance.

Romeu: Emília, is everything okay?

Emília: Ah ... Yes ... I was just noticing ... Forget it.

Romeu: You can tell me.

Emília: I'm not used to this type of environment.

Romeu: What type?

Emília: So ... elegant.

Romeu: But you do not like it?

Emília: I like it! I'm just not used to it!

Romeu: I'd love to help you make this a habit. You fit in perfectly.

Emília lowered her head and smiled sheepishly. The waiter appeared with the food and the drink, and despite the fact that it was very out of the typical food Emília was accustomed to, it was delicious.

Romeu: Emília, did I choose well?

Emília: Yes, it's delicious. And your's?

Romeu: I do not know. I can not concentrate on eating. You're distracting me.

Emília: (blushs a little and smiles) I'm sorry. I'll be the cause of your weight loss.

Both laughed a little and Romeu reached out to grab Emília's hand, which made her stop eating, look at his hand and then at his eyes.

Romeu: Emília, I want you to cause me a lot more than weight loss.

Emília thought she had stopped breathing for a moment. It really was what it looked like but it could not be.

Romeu: Emília, since the day when my eyes met your beautiful blue eyes I can not get them out of my mind. To join your beautiful eyes, since yesterday I can not stop reliving our kiss. Every time I think of it I want you to be by my side to kiss you again. I am in love with you.

Emília wanted to say that she was also in love with him and that she felt exactly the same as him but remembered Lola's words and so decided to be more difficult.

Emília: Romeu, your life is in the midst of so many women. Many of them are the most beautiful in the world. How do I know that what you're telling me is just for me?

Romeu: Emília, you definitely do not know my place of work. First, mostly men, second, the models I know are my coworkers. Nothing else. I can not stand mixing work with personal things. Besides, they are not you. I think you're special. If you ask me how you're going to know if this is true, I'll answer that you have to let me prove it. Confidence. That is the basis.

Emília lowered her head at the words, and Romeu caught her chin, lifting her up.

Romeu: Emília, answer only one question. Do you feel the same for me?


A/N: What do you think Emília will answer?
Just to mention that the images do not belong to me.

Thank you all to read, vot and comment.

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