Coffe at Lisbon

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The next morning Emília woke up with something tickling her nose. She rubbed it without opening her eyes and turned to the other side. She tried to go back to sleep, but she felt someone touch her nose again.

Emília: (voice trailing and not opening her eyes) Mika, get something better to do. I'm sleepy.

Mika: So I'm going to eat your pancakes.

Emília: (opens the eyes) Pancakes ?!

Mika: I did count on you but, as you know, I have no problem eating everything.

Emília: (gets up and leaves the room running) I know! Not this time!

Mika smiled and when he reached the kitchen, Emília was already eating.

Mika: Em, I have a quick interview today at lunchtime, but then I'm free. Why do not you show me the city?

Emília: I do not know Lisbon as well as I know Porto, but that's fine with me.

After breakfast they went together for an interview. This time Emília was more enthusiastic than usual because she was more likely to meet personally famous people that she knew. The interview was on one of the most heard radio in the country. After a relaxed conversation and singing a cover of a well-known song, they left and were able to take a stroll around the capital.

They went to Rossio and then to the Terreiro do Paço where they stopped on an esplanade. The waitressarrived and they ordered a coffee. In fact, Mika did not want a coffee but Emília insisted that he drink the good Portuguese coffee.

Emília: Did you know that there are innumerable ways to say coffee is portuguese?

Mika: Really? Which are?

Emília: Café, bica, pingado, garoto, cortado, carioca, italiana, abatanado, cimbalino...

Mika: Is that all coffee?

Emília: Yes, the meanings may vary depending on where you say it and the type of coffee.

Mika: Are you trying to imitate me?

Emília: What do you mean?

Mika: From when I tried to impress you with my knowledge of where we were.

Emília: And you know that in 1755 there was a big earthquake that destroyed the city and where about forty thousand people died. Are you impressed?

Mika: Almost. I knew about the earthquake.

Emília: Damn! You are so boring!

Mika: But the coffee was very interesting (raises the cup) and tasty.

Emília: M, did you know anything else about Romeu?

Mika: No. I've never heard of such a person again. Why? Do not tell me you want to know about him ?!

Emília: No! I was just curios.

Mika: Do not you really want to know? (Raises an eyebrow) Do not lie to me.

Emília: Never. (smiles) When you told me that he had been with you, I was worried that he would hurt you.

Mika: No! He is only words.

They left the esplanade and returned to the hotel the same way. They passed some street artists and stopped to enjoy their arts. Mika was putting coins into men-statues, musicians, jugglers, among others.

They arrived at the hotel and had a quick dinner. Emília wanted to do the dishes but Mika insisted on being him to handle this with the condition that Emília prepared everything for them to see a movie.

Emília went to the bedroom to wear her pajamas while Mika stayed in the kitchen. Suddenly Emília screammed.


Mika set down the plate, ran his hands quickly into a cloth and ran to the room.

Mika: Em! What's up?!

When Mika reached the room Emília was standing on the bed.

Mika: Em?

Emília: Mika, do something!

Mika: About what?

Emília pointed to the ground and when he looked, he saw a bug. Mika retreated quickly and grabbed the back of Emília's sweater.

Mika: Wha-What is it?

Emília: I have no idea!

Mika climbed onto the bed and leaned against Emília's back.

Mika: So what now?

Emília: Now what ?! You're going to kill that thing!

Mika: Me ?! Why do not you go ?!

Emília: Because you are the man!

Mika: That's too sexist!

Emília: (pulls Mika by the arm) Be a man and go and kill that thing!

Mika: I'm not a man! I'm a girl! Remember?

Emília: (laughs) It is not the time to put yourself as a girl!

Emília was pulling Mika forward but he quickly switched places with her. After a while in that Mika went to get the broom. They were both sitting on the bed. Mika pointed the broom at the animal and Emília was clinging to his arm.

Emília: Hit him once!

Mika: What if he climbs the broom ?!

Emília: Mika!

Mika: Okay, okay.

Mika pushed the broom closer to the animal, eyes closed, and Emília squeezing his arm harder, he bumpped the animal with the broom. He took some time to making pressure with his broom, and when he pulled it away, the bug was still in the exact same position.

Emília: Strange. (taking the broom out of Mika's hand) Give it to me.

Emilia touched lightly with the broom on the bug and he remained motionless.

Mika: Em, I think he's dead.

Emília: I do not think so. I am sure.

They both breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at each other and began to laugh uncontrollably.

Mika: And you making a big scandal!

Emília: Me ?! You should have seen your face! It was very comforting to know that if the bug was alive you would not defend me!

Mika: Friends friends, disgusting animals aside.

As they were already resting for knowing that that animal could not hurt them, they went to the sofa to watch a movie. This time they chose a drama for a change. At the end of the movie Emília had tears streaming down her face. Mika gave her a tissue and she wiped her face. Even in the last minutes Emília heard Mika sniff. When she looked at him she saw his wet eyes. Emília took out a tissueand handed it to Mika.

Mika: What's this for ?!

Emília: Do not be a jerk now.

Mika: (grabs the tissue) I have a damn heart!

Emília smiled, approached Mika and hugged him.

Emília: Do not worry. Crying is a man thing!



A/N: In the next chapter we will have their interview on the RTP1 program.

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