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The next day Emília was awakened by Lola's voice. When she opened her eyes she saw her with a very worried expression.

Lola: How long have you been here?

Emília was very confused. She looked around and noticed Lola's question. She had fallen asleep in the kitchen.

Emília: Sorry Lola. I fell asleep.

Lola: At what time?

Emília: I do not know. Maybe at five o'clock this morning. What time is it?

Lola: Eight. You better go to Mika's house and pack your bags to catch the plane. I also advise you to sleep on the trip.

Emília rubbed her eyes, got up, got dressed, and came back like a zombie.

Lola: You want me to go with you to get your things?

Emília: Yes, please.

They left the hotel together. Lola had a small, easy-to-carry suitcase because she had been in Milan for a short time. They went to Mika's house and stopped in front of his door in silence.

Lola: You want me to go with you?

Emília: It's as you wish, Lola. I'm not a child. I can deal with this.

Lola: So, tell Mika I'm here at the door ready to go to the airport.

Emília nodded, entered the gate and climbed the small staircase to the door. She took a deep breath and straightened her hair. Then she wondered why she was adjusting her hair when she was looking bad anyway. She knocked on the door and minutes later Mika came to open it. Emília was surprised when she saw that he, although very well dressed, also had dark circles and red eyes.

Mika: Emília?

Emília: Good morning. I came to make my bag and Lola is out there with the suitcase waiting for us to get on the plane.

Mika: Yeah ... yeah. Get in.

Emília passed Mika and went upstairs to the bedroom. She went straight to the closet to take her suitcase and her clothes. She grabbed at everything and when she posed on the bed she saw the sunflower that Mika had offered her on the cushion. She put all the clothes in her suitcase while she watched the sunflower. After much thought she grabbed the flower and put it inside the suitcase along with the clothes.

She came down with the suitcase and Mika was at the door ready to close it. She passed and he closed without saying anything.

Mika: Good morning Lola.

Lola: Good morning. Are we ready?

They nodded and got into Mika's car. He went to drive and waited for Emília to sit next to him but instead she went to the back seat and Lola sat down beside her.

No matter how much Lola tried to keep a topic of conversation, she could not and the path was largely silent.

They got to the plane and Mika sat between Lola and Emília who stood by the window. Mika looked at Emília who was fixing the sky. He looked down and saw her hand. Very carefully he grabbed her and laced his fingers with hers. However, soon after, she took her hand from under him and leaned closer to the window.

The trip to Paris was quick but it let tohave some rest.

(Outside the airport)

Emília: Lola, shall we?

Mika: Em, are you sure you do not want to stay in my house?

Emília: It's best not to.

Emília was going to continue on her way, but Mika stood in front of her.

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