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Paula soon added two plates to the table and Emília and Mika took the seats.

Paula: What a big surprise!

Emília: Hopefully it's a good surprise.

Paula: Great!

Emília: This is actually a small surprise compared to the ones we have to tell you.

Everyone was silent looking at Emília and Mika. Emília raised her hand and showed the ring. Everyone came forward to get a better view of the ring.

Bianca: Are you engaged?

Emília: No.

Paula: It really doesn't look like an engagement ring looks like a ring ...

Mika raised his hand and showed the matching ring.

Emília: Of marriage?

Alfredo: What do you mean?!

Anabela: Did you get married?!

Emília and Mika nodded.

Paula: Are you kidding?!

Emília: No mother. We got married in Milan.

Alfredo: How? With whom? At where? When?

Emília: I told you. On Christmas Day, at Milan Cathedral, just the two of us and the person who married us.

There was silence and only Cátia reacted.

Cátia: How crazy!

Emília: It was. Do not be angry please. We didn't want to be noticed and when Mika asked me to marry him in that magnificent place I couldn't refuse. (looks at Mika and smiles) The truth is that I wouldn't be able to refuse anywhere. (looks back at parents) Are you very angry?

Paula: Are you happy daughter?

Emília: (sketches a big smile) A lot.

Paula: So we have no reason to be angry. Congratulations.

Paula got up and everyone got up. Paula hugged Emília while Alfredo shook hands with Mika and patted his back.

Alfredo: Welcome to the family.

They swap and Emília hugged her father while her mother hugged Mika.

Paula: He was already part of the family, Alfredo.

Then followed the friends who gave a group hug. First only with Emília and then they joined Mika.

Emília: Okay. Thank you so much for your support but we still have one more thing to tell you.

Mika went to get a package.

Emília: We went to meet someone today. Ready Mika?

Mika: Yes. We took her a picture and wanted to offer you a copy.

Everyone was a little suspicious of that conversation. Paula began to unwrap and pulled out a frame. When she saw what was in the frame, she pressed it tightly to her chest and looked down at Emília and Mika with her jaw dropped and her eyes wide and bright.

Alfredo: What is it woman ?! Let me see!

Alfredo had to tear the frame from Paula's hands as she continued to stare at her daughter without blinking.

Alfredo looked at the photograph and Emília's friends peered in and saw it too.

Emília: I think for the next one you will have to get three places.

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