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At the end of dinner Emília accompanied Lola to the bedroom while Mika spoke to Pascal. A few minutes later the boys knocked on the door of the bedroom and Emília and Mika said goodbye and left.

(At Mika's house)

Mika: Does it bother you that I play a little before going to bed?

Emília: Of course not!

Emília went upstairs to her bedroom and dressed in her pajamas in the sound of Lollipop , All That She Wants, among others songs. After get ready, she went back down to the room where she saw Mika on the piano and Mel lying at his feet.

Mika: Em, what do you want me to play?

Emília: Are this that time when the public chooses the song?

Mika: Yes.

Emília: (thoughtful) Let me see ... I know! "The last time we talked, Mr. Smith, you reduced me to tears. I promise you, it will not happen again."

Mika smiled and started to play Grace Kelly's notes. He began to sing and Emília, sitting on the piano, made a sort of chorus as the chorus entered.

Mika: It was the first time I heard you sing.

Emília: And you realized that it would be better if i was quiet.

Mika: It's definitely not your gift, but you're not that bad either. With work to learn how to better control the voice you could make choirs.

Emília: I do not think so.

Mika: (gets up) Get up on your feet.

Emília got out of the top of the piano and Mika walked over to her.

Mika: First. The correct posture to sing.

Emília straightened. Mika laid one hand on her belly and another on her back.

Emília: What are you doing ?!

Mika: Your voice has to come from here. (Tightens her belly)

Emília: It is better that my voice does not come from anywhere. (Takes off Mika's hand)

Mika: You play very well already. You can not have everything. Not everyone is like me.

Emília: Yes. It's not easy being boring, stubborn and having perfect hair at the same time.

Mika: I already said that I only use three hair products! I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow I have rehearsals all day.

Emília: I'm going too.

Mika approached Emília, laid a hand on her shoulder and kissed her forehead.

Mika: See you tomorrow, Em.

Mika went to bed and Emília went to the bedroom next to his. Emília, as soon as she lay down, fell asleep.

She woke up to the sound of thunder and jumped up on the bed in fright. When she looked at her watch, it was almos four in the morning.

Emília: Hel! I hate this crap!

She went to the window and saw a flash. She shrank back in fear and left the bedroom shaking.

Emília: What now?

Since she did not know what to do and was scared she started calling softly for Mel but she did not show up, so she went to the kitchen to have tea. Every time she heard thunder, her heart leapt from her chest. When the tea was over, she heard a noise coming from the living room. She drank her last sip, put down the cup, and walked slowly into the living room, leaning against the wall.

Emília: Mel?! Is that you ?!

She peered into the living room and saw a shadow approaching. Emília screamed and the shadow shouted as well.

Mika: Calm down!

Emília: You scared me! What are you doing here?

Mika: (rubbing heiseyes) That's what I was about to ask you.

Emília: I wanted tea.

Mika: You're lying.

Emília: I'm not ...

Suddenly a sound of a big lightning echoed in the house and Emília clung to Mika as if in reflex. Mika finally embraced her.

Mika: Are you afraid?

Emília: Yes. Very much.

Mika took Emília to the living room. They both lay on the couch with a blanket over them and Mika hugged Emília. The strangest thing was that she did not feel that embarrassing. She felt safe with him. She felt as if he were a brother and soon fell asleep in Mika's arms.


Too clouse??? Maybe.

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