I'm going to Rio

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Dinner with Mika and only Mika was spectacular. Although some initial difficulties with the reporters at dinner was quite "not pure", which is great. They spent a whole meal laughing at funny stories of their lives. One of the times Mika laughed so hard that he spat and soiled the shirt collar with the sauce. Emília laughed even more and called him a child, but he didn't look like he cared about it and there are no reasons for that. After much mumbo-jumbo with tomato sauce Mika insisted on paying the dinner and they went to the place where the concert is going to give a last rehearsal. With a full belly it was easier to work, this time Emília did not went to the top of the piano and stood on her feet swing it to the sound of the song. When they started playing Elle Me Dit Mika left the piano and pulled Emília by the hand to the center of the room. He started to do his typical frenetic dance that makes in the concerts and Emília eventually got into the rhythm and dancing in a way so crazy as him.

Lola: Guys, You need to leave the stage that is time to open the doors!

The band placed the instruments on stage and went out backstage.

Mika: Em, you could go on stage to dance or play with me. I am sure people would love it.

Emília: I have no doubt that they would, but I do not think it's a very good idea. Maybe one day but i don't feel ready for that now.

Mika: But one day you do that!

Emília: All right. Go get ready.

Mika went into the dressing room and left the room with a pink suit and very straight hair. Emília called and motioned for him to come down so that she could get to his head. As soon as he got down, she tweaked his hair in a way it was not so straight.

Mika: What are you doing?

Emília: Curls, please. Not all straight and strained.

Lola: Mika, five minutes!

Mika: (grabs Emília's head and kisses her forehead) Do not fall asleep.

Mika put a gum in his mouth, joined the rest of the band and after a few words of good luck they went to the stage.

Lola: (sits next to Emília) How's everything with you and Romeo?

Emília: It's okay. Tomorrow we will take a tour to Rio de Janeiro.

Lola: Good, i'm glad that you're happy.

Emília: Lola, you do not support our relationship to one hundred percent, right?

Lola: Emília, I do not support relationships. I support a people happiness. If you tell me you're happy with him you have my full support.

Emília: But sometimes it does not look like that.

Lola: Because sometimes I doubt if you're happy.

Emília: Why do you doubt it?

Lola: I do not know if I should talk about it.

Emília: I want to know! What do you think? What do you know to mistrust my happiness with Romeo?

Lola: You really want to know?

Emília: Yes! Please!

Lola: Okay, but do not be upset with me.

Emília: Say it!

Lola: I sometimes wonder if what you feel about Romeo is enough to forget what you feel about Mika and be happy.

Emília: (blushs a little) What ?! ... But I do not ...

Lola: Emília, don't waste your time saying you don't feel our never felt anything for him because I'm not stupid.

Emília: Since when do you know that?

Lola: Since always, ma chère.

Emília: But how ?!

Lola: Emília, I thought you already knew that I smell love from meters away. Do not worry, it stays between us. I have to admit that I even wished he could feel the same as you did because no man looked at Mika the way you look.

Emília: (softly) Looked.

Lola: Excuse me?

Emília: Looked. I no longer feel the same for him.

Lola: Okay. Is that good?

Emília: Of course! I have managed to turn those feelings into the friendship we have.

Lola: And what a friendship!

Emília: Exactly! I love the relationship we have! I would do nothing that could end it.

Lola: As far as I'm concerned, your friendship is forever.

Emília smiled and hugged Lola.

Lola: (to Emília's ear) Although I sometimes feel like killing you both.

Emília laughed and let go of Lola who was also laughing a little at what she had said. They sat in the conversation for the duration of the concert.

The concert ended around one in the morning and they were off to the airport. This time it was going to take about ten hours, that is, they were going to spend the night on the fly. On the plane, the seating arrangement has not changed much. Emília sat down next to Mika and leaned her head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Emília began to feel something cold on her nose and rubbed it with the back of her hand without ever opening her eyes. However, it seemed that the more she rubbed the worse it got. When she opened her eyes slowly she saw that both her nose and her hand were white. Looking to the side, she saw Mika laughing.

Mika: Good morning.

Emília: What is this ?! What did you do ?!

Mika: I brought you the breakfast.

Emília looked at the white cream on the back of her hand and licked it.

Emília: It's whipped cream!

Mika: I thought about doing this with venom but apparently it's not so easy to find on an airplane.

Emília made a fake smile and in a very quick movement brought her hand full of whipped cream to Mika's face. He got up to prepare to attack but Lola grabbed him by the clothes and pulled him to the place.

Lola: You have already avenged each other so let's be quiet. You make me not want to have kids.

Emília: Are we arriving?

Mika: (excited) We should be there in about twenty minutes.

Emília: I see you're happy to come to Rio?

Mika: Yes. I love Rio de Janeiro. I'm sick of the cold.

Emília: I thought it was to be able to sing: "I'm taking off. Going to Rio".

Mika: "I'm getting lost to find an alter ego.

It could be Paris or Berlin.

I do not care what state I'm in.

Gonna leave it all behind. "

Mika and Emília: "Maybe I'll be myself when I'm somebody else".

Mika: Everyone!

Everyone straightens up in places and they begin to clap as they sing the chorus.

"This is not an invitation.

I'm going to Rio.

This is not a conversation.

Say good-bye to me, oh. "

Around eleven in the morning the plane landed in Rio de Janeiro, and they went to the hotel to unpack.


A/N: I'm sorry for al this time without updating but i've been in vacation and i'm going to start school.

So, please, be patiente. Sorry

Thank you for read.

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