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He held the hand of Samantha and made the step perfectly. Then the dancers surrounding him so that he disappeared between them. When he appeared already was Mika. He was with open arms and smiling with bated breath. People opened their mouths in surprise and began shouting his name and clapping wildly. Emília and Lola hugged and applauded quite happy that all went as prevido. The dancers spread eventually disappear in public. Mika did the same. He started walking as if nothing had happened. As it was all very fast people could not react to ask for photos or autographs, so he could walk only with everyone to look at him in surprise while whispering to each other. Lola motioned Emília to walk and went to Mika. They were eager to celebrate and give him congratulations. But they had to get into his character, as if nothing had happened, only then they could celebrate. So, they approached and walked with him to the studio where they rehearsed without ever uttering a word. Inside the studio was the whole team and some dancers. Others were arriving. Once Mika entered the studio he began to jump from one side to the other.

Mika: I did it!!!

He was electric. He screemed of happiness as hugged anyone who appeared ahead of him. The team congratulated him.

Mika: It is all of you who need to be congratulated! Both people who acted and who were behind it all.

Richard: Let's applause it for all of us!

Everyone applauded. It was visibel the happinesson in there faces of mission acomplish. At least the first of all.

They were still a while in the room celebrating and talking about everything that had happened. Gradually were leaving the dancers until only Mika, Lola, Emília, Richard and Guido, the Italian who was behind the realization of the film of falshmob and has also produced several video clips of Mika.

Lola: Mika, you have to take it easy! You have a concert to do in three days! Take care of your heart!

Mika: I still have the adrenaline pounding inside me.

Richard: I do not know about you but I have to go get some rest because I have dancers to rehearse for the concert.

Guido: I do not have dancers to rehearse.

Richard: All right. It's my way to say goodbye.

Guido: I was joking. I also have to go.

Lola: We need all, right?

Emília: Yes.

Mika: But I now want to try to go to the casting of the National Ballet Company.


Lola: Mika, ma chère, do not leave your job for the dance.

Mika: But I'm improving a lot! Am i not, Richard?

Richard: Yes, you're not so bad. With training you can do the things.

Lola: What he says it can't be written. He is always nice to you!

Mika: Richard!

Richard: Okay, it's going to start. Look, I'm leaving. (Heads for the door)

Guido: It's better go.

Mika: Okay, okay.

(They go out of the studio)

Richard: Till tomorrow, for who I will see tomorrow.

All: Goodbye.

Guido: Addio.

Mika: Bye si vede durante le prove *.

* Goodbye, see you tomorrow at the rehersal.

Lola: Emília, you have a way to go home?

Emília: Yes, thank you.

Lola: So, au revoir.

Emilia: Goodbye people.

Mika: Goodbye.

They separated and each one went to their cars.

The next day, as Emília was free, she took advantage and made Skype with family and with friends. The family focused on the work.

Mother: So what now? What are you going to do?

Emília: Now Mika will make a concert here and then we go to Milan.

Mother: Milan!!?

Emília: Yes, it is the location of the next concert.

Father: And it's just like that? You're going and that's it?

Emília: Yeah, do not worry. Everything will work out.

Already friends were other concerns.

Bianca: What about guys?!

Emília: I have had so many things to worry about. Do you think I think in that?

Cátia: You are in the middle of the famous! It is probably just handsome guys so how you do not think about it.

Emília: I'm still making friends, how can i start dating?

Júlia: That's true. And friendships? They are going well?

Emília: Yes. I get on well with everyone but of course there are people who i feel clouser.

Anabela: Who? If we can know.

Emília: With Lola, that's who I had spoken to you. I also have a great friedship with Richard, who is the choreographer. And graet great friedship with Mika.

Cátia: See! Two dudes!

Emília: Yes, but Mika is gay!

Bianca: Always have Richard.

Emília: I also think he's gay.

Anabela: What the! But they are all!


Emília: Look, I love to talk to you but I have to start preparing things for Milan. Tomorrow we talk. However, take a look at Mika instagram.

All: Okay... Goodbye... Kisses.

I'm sorry i understand english but i'm very bad writing it. Hope you enjoy.

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