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They were doing a final rehearsal where the show was going to take place. Emília was overjoyed. More than usual because she was counting the hours to catch the plane home. She was supposed to go the next day but Mika told her to catch the plane day because, besides being full of homesickness, he thought it would be a way to protect her from Romeu who continued to send her messages. So here she was jumping up and down the stage. She did not look like a oerson o had ended a  relationship that morning.

It was time to leave, and Emília began to kiss everybody.

Emília: Lola, you take me to the plane?

Lola: Oui.

Mika: Em, I'm sorry I can not take you there. But now it's impossible to get out of here.

Emília: It's ok.

Emília and Mika hugged each other tightly and Lola watched them with a warm smile.

Emília: (to Mika's ear) I'm going to miss you so much.

Mika: (to Emília's ear) Do not pretend you're sad to go home.

Emília: (moves away from Mika) I'm not, but I know it's not going to be easy either.

Mika: Just promise me one thing. I know you were in charge of creating the story of the next music video, but please rest. Do not kill yourself working with it. You need this vacation.

Emília: I promise. And you promise that you will answer my calls on Skype!

Mika: Deal.

They squeezed their hand to close the deal, but quickly Mika pulled Emília's arm and pulled her into his arms again.

Lola: Emília, we have to go.

Emília let go of Mika and grabbed her things.

Emília: Bye, Mika. Send a kiss to your family.

Mika nodded and Emília waved back to the entire team before heading for Lola's car.

At the airport Lola hugged Emília.

Lola: Take care of yourself ma chère.

Emília: I'll miss hearing you say that.

Lola: Emília, it almost seems we'll never see each other again! Also I'm going to want to know the news about this music video.

Emília: And I'm going to want to know the news aboutthe marriage.

Lola: We will talk. In the short time that I have available.

Emília: See you later.

Lola: Emília, why do you always say "see you later"?

Emília: So it' doesn't not seems like I'm going to be long without seeing you.

Lola smiled and Emília followed her way onto the plane.

As soon as she sat down on the plane and put the We Are Golden headphones on, she felt excited again. She was coming home! After what had seemed an eternity outside her country she would return. It had not really been that long, but so much had happened. She soon fell asleep and in her dreams she saw her city.

A few hours later her dream had become real and she was in the magnificent city of Porto. As soon as she stepped on the "Invicta City" she smelled the Douro River, the rays of the sun touching her face and the joy and energy typical of her people. It was good to be back. It was still a few minutes by train to get home. She did not care at all. She loved to ride the train! After a few minutes of train with a few glances of who probably recognized her, arrived at her destination. One of them. Her parents' house. It was not her house because she lived with her friends before leaving for London. However, she thought it best to go first for her parents. They still thought she was coming the next day. Emília knocked on the door despite having a key and it took no more than a minute for her mother Paula to open. As soon as he saw her, she put her hands to her open mouth in astonishment, and then she hugged her.

(N / A: Do not forget that in italics means they are speaking in Portuguese.)

Paula: Daughter! We thought you were coming tomorrow! Alfredo! Our little girl is here!

Emília came in with her suitcases and her father approached and hugged her.

Alfredo: Why did not you tell me you were coming in early? I'd fetched you at the airport!

Emília: It was a last-minute decision and besides, you know I like to ride a train.

Paula: Sit down and we'll talk. I'll get some cookies.

Emília: Made by you?

Paula: This morning.

Emília: It sounds good. (sits on the couch next to her father)

Alfredo: How have you been?

Emília: Very well. I think I found the perfect job for me. What I want to do for the rest of my life. Tiring but rewarding

Paula: (puts a bowl of cookies on the table and sits on the other side of Emília) Do the girls know about your arrival?

Emília: No. I came right here and did not tell anyone.

Paula: I was hoping you would not come alone.

Emília: Sorry, but I did not get it.

Paula: You could have brought your boyfriend. Was not he on vacation in London with you?

Emília: (looks at her hands) About that ...

Paula: Emília!

Emília: He did not deserve me!

Alfredo: What happened?

Emília: He became very homophobic and insulted Mika.

Paula: That does not really suit anybody. It's a shame, my daughter, because we were hoping this time would be good.

Emília: Yeah, but I do not think so. (exhales deep) But I'm fine now as I am. No ... men for a while. Now I only want two men in my life.

Paula: Who?

Emília: Mika and the father.

Alfredo: So it's not history! Your relationship with Mika is really close.

Emília: Yes, I already told you.

Paula: Daughter, I know you say you do not want men for now but be careful not to lose men because of your relationship with Mika.

Emília: Mom, I'm sorry to tell you but no boyfriend is going to get in between me and Mika. And I do not want to talk about it anymore because I have to go get things home and see my girls.

M & Em (Mika Fanfiction - English version)Where stories live. Discover now