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Emília: I want to go with you.

Mika: What ?! Do not even think about it!

Emília: Why not ?!

Mika: It's dangerous.

Emília: And as dangerous for me as for you! Besides, I would also like to help.

Mika: No, no, no.

Joannine: Mika ...

Mika: No way! I do not want to hear another word about it. I'll pack.

Mika went upstairs and Emília stood motionless in the center of the room with everyone looking at her.

Joannine: Do not get mad at him, honey. He's just trying to protect you.

Emília: I understand but...

Joannine: I'll try to convince him.

Emília went to Zuleika's room with the same one to go to bed.

Emília: I can not believe he's going to Beirut and I do not even try to stop him but he will not let me go! What the hell!

Zuleika: Mom's going to talk to him and he's going to change his mind.

Emília: Do you think so?

Zuleika nodded and Emília went to the closet and began to tinker with her things and stuff them in her suitcase.

Zuleika: What are you doing?

Emília: I do not care if he agrees or not. He just leaves here tomorrow with me.

Zuleika laughed at Emília's decision-making. She arranged everything and only later did she lie down on the bed next to Zuleika's.

Zuleika: Good night, Emília.

Emília: Good night, Zuleika.

The next morning Emília woke up early and dressed immediately to prevent Mika from leaving without her. Touching her things she ended up waking Zuleika.

Emília: I'm sorry. I did not want to wake you up.

Zuleika: That's okay. I have to get up.

Emília and Zuleika left the room together and Emília already carried the suitcase ready for the trip. By the time they got to the kitchen, they were all there for breakfast.

Mika: Em, are you already here? I thought you were going to rest from the trip. (Looks at Emília's handbag) What is that?

Emília: It's my suitcase for the trip.

Mika: Have you decided to go home?

Emília: Yes.

Mika: Good idea.

Emília: And for me, home is where you are.

Mika: (rolls his eyes) Emília! I thought this was talked decided!

Emília: And it is! I'll go with you and it's over!

Mika: (puts his hands over his face and hair) Okay ... Let's make a deal. You're going to have to respect some of the rules I'm going to impose.

Emília: And what are they?

Mika: You just leave the hotel with me and with my permission. That is, most of the time you will stay at the hotel which is safer. And since I do not want you to be alone, you have to take one of the dogs. Oh! And when we leave, you stay close to me and obey me.

Emília: Well! Anything else, Mr Boss?

Mika: Em, I'm not kidding. This is to take seriously.

Emília: Calm down. I carry.

After all, Emília, Mika and Joannine said goodbye to the rest of the family. Mika grabbed the leash of Melachi, the dog chosen by Emílua, and they went to the airport. They had a very long trip ahead.

Mika: Emília, did you let your family know you were coming?

Emília: Yes.

Mika: What about them?

Emília: What do you think ?! (Imitates her mother's voice) "Are you crazy" ?!

Joannine: Your poor mother. I would have done the same. The truth is that part of me does not want Mika here. A mother is a mother.

Emília: And she is "very mother". Too much. I think it's because I'm an only child. At least you share your maternity with five people.

Joannine: Maybe that's it. I think the lesson is that it is better to have more than one child.

Mika: (eyes wide) Mother!

Emília: (smiles a little embarrassed) It's ok Mika. Your mother is right, but ... of course ...

Mika: We're not at that stage yet.

Joannine: Alright. You know. No pressure. I just want you to know that I would love it.

Mika: Okay, Mom. We already noticed.

They arrived in Beirut in the middle of the night. When they arrived a couple from UNHCR were waiting for them with a van to be able to take them safely to the hotel. Mika got Mel into the boot and got into the white van with the blue symbol of the organization. They were very grateful for Mika's willingness to help and Emília saw in his eyes the enthusiasm of being able to help those who needed it, even more in a place that was part of him.

The hotel was in the quietest and safest place in town. They left them there and agreed that the next day they would come in the same van to get them to take them to the places where they had the tents to help the refugees.

The four of them went up. Joannine said a few words in French to Mika and went to her room. Mika, Emília, and Mel went to another.

Emília: What did she say?

Mika: She said that if I needed anything I could just scream.

Emília: Wow. I feel much better.

Mika: Do not worry. (puts his hand in Emília's hair) You are safe here.

Emília: I'm more worried about your safety than mine.

Mika grabbed Emília's hands and kissed them. He pulled her to him and hugged her.

Mika: Let's sleep, shall we? We need to rest.

This time, Mika dressed in the bathroom and Emília in the bedroom. When he left the bathroom Emília was already lying on the bed and Mika lay down beside her while Mel lay at the end of the bed.

Emília: M, do you know what I remembered now?

Mika: What?

Emília: (Approaches Mika as much as possible and stands on her side to look at him) I have not given youyet the kiss you were waiting for.

Mika: (smiles) Yeah. You're owning me that.

Emília smiled and took the little curls out of Mika's eyes. She pressed her nose to his and rubbed it. This made Mika chuckle. At last Emília pressed her lips to Mika's and kissed him in a most passionate way.

Mika: That kiss was very good.

Emília: It's been almost two days without kissing you, remember?


A/N: Prepare for intense scenes. Do not take this to the sexual side. It's sad. I hope you're enjoying yourself. Tell me you're opinions.

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