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They went to a cafe nearby wood, very cozy. Mika asked for a tea and some toast. Emília asked for the toast but ordered coffee with milk.

Mika: Coffee?!

Emília: You'll scold me every time i drink coffee?!

Mika: No, but I thought I had you already cut in love with the tea.

Emília: I do not fell in love with the tea, fell in love with your grandmother's tea.

Mika: Well. I'll record a video to explain who you are.

Mika put his hand into his pocket and pulled out the phone.

Mika: (to the phone) Hello everybody! I have received many messages due to the previous video about the person who forced me to do it. I am currently eating a snack with her to be able to present you. This is Emília.

Mika turned the camera to Emília and at that moment she lowered her mug and smiled. Mika noticed that Emília had a milk brand in the upper lip which made him start laughing.

Emília: What?

Mika turned the camera to himself and pointed his upper lip as he laughed. After returning from the camera to Emília who was cleaning the mouth.

Emília: It's not fair! You film me while i'm eating !

Mika: (turns the camera to himself and gradually stops laughing) As I was saying ... Emília is working with me in the organization of the new tour and she is Portugues, that explains the last video. This is it. Do you want to say something?

Emília: (nods to the camera) Kisses to all.

Mika off the video and he will soon put on instagram. Needless to say immediately afterwards had many comments and Mika was reading some aloud.

Mika: This is a from "aprilfluffy" and says you're very beautiful.

Emília: Ooo ... That's sweet.

Mika: I have several here saying that you are a lucky one for being here with me.

Emília: Poor things.

(Mika starts laughing compulsively)

Emília: Was not that funny!

Mika: It's not that! Here's a guy saying that the best part of the video was your milk mustache. Ahahah.

Emília frowned and when she was to take the last piece of bread to his mouth her mobile phone, which was resting on the table, begins to vibrate and staied like that for a few minutes. During this time they looked at each other puzzled and frightened. Emília grabbed the phone, started swiping and further widened her eyes.

Mika: What was that?!

Emília: (looking frightened at the phone) Notifications... from instagram. (Mika look with eyes wide open) a lot of people started follow me!!

Mika: It was because of the video!!

Emília: How do they found me?! You do not put my name acount! And on top at this speed!

Mika: It's amazing, right? But it's normal. Never doubt the Mikafreaks capabilities.

Emília: I do not. This already goes in about 100 followers without exaggeration!

Mika: Have you ever seen! You have so many fans!

Emília: Not my fans! They do not know me! Are your fans who are using me as a bridge for you!

Mika: What a sad way to see things.

Emília: (laughs) It's true! Now something else that has nothing to do. Are you ready for that?

Mika: For what?

Emília: (leans forward and whispers) The flashmob.

Mika: Oh! Yes, it will be all right. I am confident.

Emília spent the rest of that day to receive notifications of new instagram followers.

It came the day of the flashmob that was held in central London and although Emília was jus watching she was pretty nervous. She arrived at the scene and found Lola. They sat on a park bench watching everything around in a discreet way.

Lola: So? Recognize the dancers?

Emília rolled her head and motioned for some who identified but most of them were very difficult to realize because she was accustomed to see them with training clothes and not with casual clothes.

Lola: Then and there? (Points to head)

Emília: (looks quietly) I'm not recognizing.

Lola: Good! Because it's Mika.

Emília opened her eyes in surprise. They had done a great job for disguise.

Emília: Can i go to him?

Lola: Since you go in a natural way, no problem.

Emília got up and went to the front of the park bench where he was sitting with a newspaper in front of his face.

Emília: It is today's newspaper?

Mika:. (Without lowering the newspaper) Aaaa ... No, it's from yesterday.

Emília: (whispers) Mika. It's me.

Mika: (lowers the paper) Hey! Are you all right?

Emília: Yes. I came to wish you good luck.

Mika: Thank you. Last advice?

Emilia: Do not kill Samantha.

Mika: (laughing out laugh) Oh my God! I imagine ... She shot go ...! Ahahah!

Emília: Shshshsh. You do not understand that everyone knows your laughter?!

Emília had to get up and go to the side of Lola for Mika recovered his breath and focuses it.

Lola: Look. It's gooing to start.

He began to Grace Kelly and a couple of dancers began dancing which made soon a good number of people to stop trying to understand what was happening. Suddenly changes to We Are Golden and more dancers join. Soon afterwards, Lola and Emília had to get up and approach to be able to see because it already had a crowd around the dancers. They were all moving dancers and began to Talk About You. It was not lacking much to get Mika and Emília was nervous for him. Until the time came. Lola and Emilía noticed the entry but it was natural, they knew. No one else seemed to notice. He camouflaged perfectly in the group. He made the step in the middle of the group, came forward, grabbed Samantha's hand and ...

Give me your feedback lovely people.

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