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Yasmine: Oh my God! Look over there, Emília! (points out shiny baby shoes) Aren't they soooo cute ?!

Emília: No doubt, but haven't we already bought about seven pairs?

Yasmine: Yes, but none like this!

Zuleika: That's right. These look like little Mika's shoes.

Emília: Okay, so we take these and then we go home.

Paloma: Are you crazy ?! We have all day ahead of us!

Yasmine: Yes. We haven't seen some stores yet.

Zuleika: (excited) What do you say we get a clothes to match the shoes ?!

Paloma: Great idea!

Yasmine: Come on!

Emília: But Paloma has already made clothes for the baby! It even made for boy and girl! That is, you must be craving for twins. This child will be a baby for a very short time. Why are we going to spend money on buying lots of suits if he/she is going to use them for so little time?

Zuleika: Da-a. For you to be able to take funny pictures with him in the clothes and post on Instagram.

Yasmine: And in the description put (makes a cardinal with your fingers) "#MiniMika".

Emília: (laughs) If he heard you, your would be done with him.

Paloma: Why?

Emília: Because he expects it to be more (makes the cardinal with her fingers) "# MiniEmília" since he expects a girl and, preferably, that he is like me and not like him.

Yasmine: That's because he thinks you're beautiful.

Emília: And because it doesn't look beautiful. On top of that it has been very mysterious. Especially with what you're up to in the office.

All the sisters looked away from Emília and there was a big silence.

Emília: I don't believe it. You know what he is doing !!

Paloma: Us ?!

Emília: You really know !! Tell me what it is. I then pretend I'm surprised. I can't take this wait any longer. He spends days there.

Zuleika: (puts her hand on Emília's back) Calm down Emília, remember the baby.

Emília: I hate that excuse to shut me up.

Paloma: Girls, look at that shirt! (points it)

In the middle of several shirts of various sizes and with several different funny phrases was one with the phrase "My dad is better than yours" and Emília had to laugh. When she looked around she saw that Penniman's were pouting and looking at her.

Emília: (rolls her eyes with a smile) Ok, ok. Let's buy. But just this one more.

It was another one and another and it continued until Yasmine got a call and said it was time to go.They arrived at Mika and Emília's house and Emília was surprised to see Mika on the porch as if he were waiting for her.They all got out of the car full of small shopping bags and Mika soon came to help grab things.

Mika: (kisses Emília with a smile) I can see that someone lost her head today.

Emília: M, I wasn't going to tell you anything but ... (in Mika's ear but without whispering) It's true. They're freaking out.

Paloma: We heard that!

When Emília entered the house, Mika's mother and brother were also there.

Emília: Good afternoon. I didn't know you were around.

Joannine and Fortuné got up to greet her and the whole family stood in the room looking at her.

Emília: What's going on? Is it a family reunion?

Fortuné: Almost.

Joannine: We are looking forward. I think it is the most correct word.

Emília: (suspicious) O-k. Mika?

Mika: (grabs Emília's hand) Come with me. I'll show you something.

Mika took Emília to the office door and Emília smiled excitedly to finally know what was going on inside.

Mika: Close your eyes.

Emília: Really, M?

Mika: Do what I tell you.

Emília closed her eyes and squeezed Mika's hand tighter to feel safer while he took her into the office. She realized that she was near a window because the light was passing over her eyelids and smelled the paint.

Mika: Wait. (drops Emília's hand) And ... You can open it now.

Emília slowly opened her eyes and opened her mouth with the shock of seeing that the office was no longer an office. The walls were painted a light blue that closer to the ceiling it became darker to imitate the sky, since the ceiling was dark and had stars. The closet was also painted white and had toys and gifts that had been offered to the baby. Closer to the big window was a completely adorable crib. The office, now a bedroom, was simply loving.

Mika: So? What do you think? I know you like the sky and as we don't know the sex of the baby I decided not to invent too much for now, at least. Aren't you going to say something?

Emília: I-I ... I don't know what to say.

Mika: Maybe this will help you.

Mika reached into the back pocket of his pants and grabbed something that Emília was unable to perceive. Mika moved closer to the big window and Emília went after him to see what he was up to. Before doing anything, Mika looked at Emília and smiled making her smile back. He took a post-it from his hand and pasted it on the window. Emília analyzed it seeing that it had a drawing of a UFO and smiled. Only then did she notice that he was saying "Daddy" below and looked seriously at him as he continue to glue UFOs and Emília went walking to see them one by one. The second said "Is", the third "Waintig", the fourth "For" and the fifth and last "You". "Daddy is wainting for you".Emília ran her fingers through the papers and only then gained the courage to look into Mika's eyes as she had tears streaming down her face.

Mika: (puts his hand on Emília's belly and looks her in the eye with a smile) More interesting?

Emília: (smiles broadly) Way much more.


(A/N: I love you all but the next chapter is the last one. Sorry. Everything has an end. Leave your comments on this flashback.)

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