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Mika: I would do anything to see you do a food fight again ... (looks in Emília's eyes) and see you sleeping next to me.

Emília: We can handle that already.

Mika glanced quickly at Emília with a slightly shocked expression and Emília realized that what she had said was being misinterpreted.

Emília: I mean the first part!

Mika: (scratches the back of the neck) Yeah ... yeah. What do you mean?

Emília: Lola told us that she invited us to throw bridal cake, remember? I think if she asked for it we should fulfill that marriage desire.

Mika smiled at Emília and she laughed.

Emília: Let's go?

Emília got up and Mika got up behind her.

Mika: Em, wait.

Emília stopped and approached Mika.

Mika: The lollipop has great healing powers but ... do you remember what it is that surpasses it?

Emília: (smiles) According to a certain man, it was a fool named Emília.

Mika: That man is a genius.

Emília: What's your idea?

Mika grabbed Emília's hand and led her to the back of the restaurant.

Emília: What is it?

Mika pushed Emília to the wall. She looked into his eyes and saw the same look he had done before kissing her on the recordings. He was neither in blue or white, but his eyes were very bright. He brought his face close to hers as he looked at her lips. Emília waited for him to kiss her, but instead she only heard his heart beating a hundred at hour and his breathing too fast. Emília laid a hand on Mika's face.

Emília: They're going to notice our absence soon, so you'd better not take too long to kiss me.

Mika: Can I?

Emília: (laughs) You're the first man to ask permission to do it. And the only one who did not need to ask for it.

Mika smiled. And this time, more confident, although still nervous, he returned to approach the face of Emília. At first their lips just leaned against each other, only then did they really kiss.

Emília: We have to go inside.

Mika: (smiles) It has to be, does not it?

Emília: Yes, it has to be.

They went back inside the restaurant and separated for no one to notice that they had gone out and entered together. Lola was preparing to cut the cake and Mika and Emília went behind her. Everyone got a slice.

Emília: Lola, do you think you'll wear this dress again?

Lola: I don't intend. Why?

Emília and Mika looked at each other and then at Lola. She was frightened and confused by that pair of smiles. She still tried to take a few steps back but it was not on time. When she least expected it, she saw a hand on either side, Emília's and Mika's, full of cake, turning right in her face. Lola ended up getting her face full of cake. Emília and Mika laughed a lot and the guests were shocked at first, but then they could not stop their laughter. Lola looked at Emília and Mika and smiled at seeing them so happy.

Lola: You're back!

Emília: Of course!

Mika: Did you think you got rid of our games ?!

Lola: I'm so happy! Give me a little hug!

Lola opened her arms but they shook their heads and ran away from her. Pascal gave her a cloth and she wiped the cake all over her face and a little of what had fallen on the dress.

Lola: Let's animate this!

The music played again and this time it was songs with more rhythm. The central space of the room filled with people dancing. Emília looked at Mika and he called her with his finger to dance with him. She smiled and went to him. As expected, he began to dance like a crazy person and Emília had to control her laughter to have the strength to dance. Luckily it didn't take to much time go everybody get tired and the DJ had to go back to the calmer music.

Lola: Emília, can I steal your pair a little?

Emília: As long as you want. I'll drink something.

Emília dropped Mika and he hugged Lola.

Lola: What did you tell Emília?

Mika: The truth.

Lola: And she behaved well?

Mika: (laughs) Yes.

Lola: (turns away from Mika and looks at him enthusiastically) Tell me that this means that you are together!

Mika: Well ... I think so.

Lola: You think so?!

Mika: We kissed and I think that was implied...

Lola: Michael Penniman, I do not want things "implied"!

Mika: Okay, Lola! Calm down!

Lola: (looks around and sees Pascal) Pascal, love! Call Emília, please.

Mika: Lola, as you must calculate we have to be super discreet!

Lola: All right! Shut up!

Emília approached them a little confused.

Emília: Yes?

Lola: Mika, it's your turn.

Emília: Do you want to tell me something?

Mika: I ... no ... but Lola ...

Lola: You left the man without being sure if you're in a relationship or not!

Mika: Lola!

Emília: What ?!

Lola: Do not look too shocked.

Emília: No, it's just that ... I thought it was implied.

Mika laughed and Lola rolled her eyes.

Emília: What did I say?

Lola: You were really meant for each other. Now I'm going to dance with Emília. Get out of here Mika.

Mika: Very smart. Em, if she upset you a lot send her to ...

Lola: Mika! Leave!

Mika sat down at the table and Emília and Lola danced.

Lola: Emília, I hope you have trained your agility because for this day to be perfect you have to pick up that branch.

Emília: Lola! Do not you think it's a little early to talk about it?

Lola: You never know. (hugs Emília) I'm so happy for you!

Emília: At least we already know that someone is.

Lola: Well, good luck to hear other opinions.

Emília: I really need.

Emília went back to her table where she had been talking to Karen while Mika grabbed her hand under the table.

At the time of picking up the bouquet Emília was very close to picking it up but let Karen pick it up because she was very happy and Emília did not care about that.

At the end of the party, Lola and Pascal left in their car for the airport and then went to Brazil, where they were going to spend the honeymoon.

Mika: And now Em? What do we do?

Emília: (puts her head on Mika's shoulder) Take me home. I am exhausted.


A/N: What do you want to happen next? Are you also those people who are waiting for a formal statement to start considering "dating"? Who is supporting this relationship?

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