Princes and princesses

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Emília and Yasmine went to the living room and there they were, besides Mika, Fortuné and Joannine.

When Mika saw them talking and smiles in her face, he got up, walked over to them, and put his arm around Emília's waist.

Mika: Can I know the reason for this beautiful pair of smiles.

Emília: What you may know is that me and Yasmine made up.

Mika: (makes a big smile) Really ?! I'm very happy!

Yasmine: I apologized to Emília and I also want to apologize to you.

Mika: Of course I accept your apology! (Hugs Emília and Yasmine) So good! A hug with these two special women! (ends the hug) This means that Emília can stay here!

Emília: (rolls her eyes and smiles) Mika.

Fortuné: That depends on whether Yasmine will continue to interrupt you or not.

Mika turned quickly to his brother and told him to shut up.

Mika: But you can Emília.

Joannine: She knows she can.

Emília: Right. Do you want to see what your sister offered me ?!

Emília posed the box beside Fortuné and took off the dress.

Mika: It seems like my suit!

Emília: Exactly! Is it or is not it magnificent !?

Mika: Absolutely.

Emília: Thank you, Joannine. I know you helped.

Joannine: You should not know that. Glad you liked it, my dear.

Emília: When am I going to use it? (looks sideways at Mika) Is there going to be an event?

Mika: Yasmine!

Yasmine: I did not say anything! I started saying it unintentionally but I did not say it!

Emília: So there's even a prize delivery ?!

Mika: It was supposed to be a surprise. I was nominated for a prize in Portugal.

Emília: In Portugal ?!

Mika: Yes. I'm nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Artist. Because of the concert at the Colosseum. (A/N: This prize does not exist)

Emília: Does that mean ...?

Mika: It means that we have a plane to catch tomorrow right to Portugal. Lola is also going to be there.

Emília: That's good! Are we going to Porto?

Mika: Yes. That's why we're leaving tomorrow so you can spend some time there.

Emília: And you are going to stay in my house, right?

Mika: If you have room for us.

Emília: Of course I do! We have one more room, so you can stay there and Lola sleeps with me.

Mika: Ah-ah. How cute.

Emília: So you want my company to win that prize?

Mika: Calm down! I want your company for the show. I have not earned anything yet.

Emília: But you're going to win.

Mika: The question is ... Do you want to come with me? It's going to be your first event like tgis with me.

Emília: Are you kidding ?! Do you think that now that I have the clothes I will refuse to wear it ?!

That night Mika again insisted that Emília sleep at his house but she denied saying that she had to prepare things for the next day's trip.

M & Em (Mika Fanfiction - English version)Where stories live. Discover now