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Lola was in the studio arranging things with the crew when the door suddenly opened. The whole team glanced over and saw Emília running to the back of Lola as if she was a shield. Her breath was racing because she was tired of running.

Emília: Lola! Look.... He.

A little later the door opened again with the same force and this time appears Mika, also exhausted.

Lola: Oh, no! Nothing to do with it!

Lola took off from the front of Emília which made her unprotected and began to look for another shelter but, as she looked for it, Mika began to come towards her. She ran around the team and Mika followed her. They ran around the room from side to side.

Mika: You're going to pay for that!

Emília finally managed to get behind Richard who opened his arms so Mika could not reach her. Mika went ahead of Richard and rocked back and forth to try to reach Emília but Richard was protecting her.

Richard: Mika, give up.

Mika: You do not know what she did! There was a journalist on the street and when he was going to take a photo she pushed me and I almost fell!


Emília: I bet the picture was spectacular!

As Mika did not stop, Richard began to tickle his waist. Mika laughed as he writhed and tried to stop Richard.

Mika: Sss-Stoooooop !!

Suddenly his smile dropped and he shoved Richard's arms and began to speak in a more aggressive way.

Mika: I told you to stop!

Lola: Richard, enough! They have to work.

Richard stopped and stopped smiling replacing the smile with a slightly sad look and Mika looked at Lola who pointed to the piano. Mika obeyed and sat down at the piano. Thankfully there was Lola to put some order because they had the concert tonight and it was good some rehearsal. During the rehearsal Lola and Emília sat on the usual couch and Lola was back on the social media.

Emília: Are we leaving after the concert?

Lola: Oui.

Emília: We have to decide what we are going to do in Paris.

Lola: We already decided!

Emilia: What ?! Why do not I know ?!

Lola: Mika does not whants to tell you.

Emília: That's not fair.

Lola: I can not do anything.

Lola looked at her cell phone, her eyes widened and she started to laugh alone.

Emília: What is it? I want to laugh too.

Lola turned the screen of the cell phone to Emília and there was a picture of Mika with one foot on the floor and the other in the air and with a scary face. He was falling but it seemed he was doing a stupid dance. Emília laughed so hard she clung to her already sore belly.

Richard: What are you seeing?

Lola passed the phone to Richard's hand and he, seeing the picture, put his hand in front of his mouth to try to laugh silently but did not have much success. Soon the rehearsal was over, and Mika appeared to look at them suspiciously.

Richard: Mika, you look really cute.

Mika: What do you mean?

Richard passed the cell phone to Mika.

Mika: Em !!!

Emília: But what ?! It's too cool!! Right, Richard?

Richard: I think you look really good.

Mika: Especially with this silly face.

Emília: (whispers) There's nothing to do about that.

Mika: What?

Emília: It's revenge for not telling me what's going to happen in Paris!

Mika: Is that it ?! Well, just want to let you know that Paris is going to be MY revenge.

Emília shrugged and folded her arms in a brave posture.

Emília: I'm not afraid of you.

Lola: Neither you nor anyone else.

Mika's mouth dropped open in surprise at Lola's response.

Lola: Sorry, but it's true. You can not be scary.

The rehearsals were over and Lola, Emília, Richard and Guido went to the hotel together to get ready for the concert.

Richard: Sometimes I think of not going to the concert today.

Lola: Pourquoi?

Richard: Because I'm not in the mood for choosing clothes.

Emília: I'll help you!

Richard: Really? You do not mind?

Emília: Of course! That's not going to be a reason for you not to go!

Richard: Hmm ... Okay. Thank you.

When they arrived at the hotel each went to their rooms but Lola grabbed Emília before she entered.

Lola: (whispers) Try to understand what's going on with Richard.

Emília: Is something wrong?

Lola: I think so.

Emilia: He will not talk to me.

Lola: At least try.

Emília nodded and Lola let go of her, going to the next door.

Already in the room, Emília ate and made a call to her friends and family. A call equal to all others. The calls that were made just to hear the voices of other people and try, in this way, to kill the homesick. Then she dressed in simple clothes. She never dressed much for the concerts. Great dresses, jewelry, heels, was never something she liked to wear. Shee left her room and knocked on Richard's door and he came to open it with a small smile on his face.

Emília: So let's get to this!

Richard took her to the closet and she began to move his clothes from one end to the other, taking out three different sets and laying them down on the bed.

Emília: These are the ones I think are best, but the middle one should be what looks better with your eyes.

The truth is that he really had beautiful eyes. Richard was still quietly sitting on the bed. Lola was right, he looked sad. Emília took a deep breath and sat down beside him. She wondered what she was going to say as she rubbed her hands on her legs. She did not know him that well or have a very close relationship. Still, he was too self-enclosed and non talckative.

Emília: It's not because of the clothes that you do not want to go to the concert, isn't it?


What's wrong whith him? Does anyone knows?

Thanks for reading :)

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