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The concert night arrived and Emília went with Lola to the place of the show. As soon as they entered the whole team came to Lola congratulates her for the engagement.

Lola: How do you know ?!

Guido: Do ​​you really need to ask?

Lola: Michael !!!

Mika appeared softly.

Mika: Sorry Lola. I was so happy that I could not resist.

Lola: This time i will let it pass. And thank you guys. You are all invited, do not forget.

Mika and the band went to the stage and made another show full of good music and energy. At the end of the concert Emília received a call. It was Simone's mother calling to meet. Emília left behind the scenes. In the midst of such confusion no one noticed she had left. She went to the door to the place where the fans were and barely opened it, there was Simone and her mother.

Emília: Come on in. Excuse me, but if I'm seen, they would not leave me.

Simone had come holding her mother's hand.

Emília: Bonne nuit Simone. (To her mother) I wanted to ask her if she liked the concert but I do not know how to say it in French.

Mother:  Il est à se demander si vous avez apprécié le concert*. (* She is asking if you liked the concert)

Simone: Je aimé *. (*i really enjoyed it)

They walked all the way backstage with Simone holding tightly Mom's hand and looking at everything with attention and surprise until they reached the team.

Emília: Say "hello" to Simone.

Team: Hello!

Simone leaned against her mother's legs, embarrassed and covering her face until Mika emerged from the people.

Mika: Bonne nuit Simone!

Simone smiled and dropped her mother's legs. Out of nowhere, it seemed that her embarrassment had disappeared and she rushed over to Mika who opened her arms to take her to his lap.

Mika: I'm going to take Simone to the dressing room. Voulez-vous venir avec moi*? (*do you want to come with me?)

Simone smiled, and without knowing where she was going, nodded.

Mika: Dit au revoir à la mère*. (* Say goodbye to your mother)

Simon nodded smiling at his mother and clung harder to Mika's neck. Everyone laughed with the confidence shown by the child. She was shy but not with Mika. Mika motioned Emília to go with him and they went to the dressing room. There, Mika was showing the clothes, props and paintings to Simone always speaking in French and, therefore, Emilia only watched because she did not understand anything. Although she did not realize what Simone was saying, her happiness was quite perceptible. After grimaces at the front of the mirror, from her dressing his clothes and purt some products that were on the table, Lola knocked on the door.

Lola: Mika, Simone has to leave.

Although Simone did not understand English, she was not stupid and realized what she was talking about, she stretched her arms out to ask Mika to grab her and he did. She leaned her head against Mika's shoulder.

Mika: Simone,  il est tard. Vous devez aller à dormir*.(* It's late, you have to go to sleep.)

Simone wanted to protest but she was exhausted so she just nodded and rested her head on Mika's shoulder.

They went the three with Lola to Simone's mother who was already outside the building waiting for them. When they arrived Simone had fallen asleep. Mika had to move her into her mother's arms, careful not to wake her. Simone's mother put her in the car seat and she barely moved. Poor thing, it was too late and too much emotion for someone so small.

Simone's mother: Merci pour tout *. (*thanks for everything)

Mika: It was my pleasure. I love meeting fans. Especially when they are so lovely.

Emília and Mika greeted the mother of the little fan as she got into the car and went on her way.

When Emília looked at Mika, he was watching the car drift away with a smile from ear to ear.

Emília: And that silly face?

Mika: (continued smiling) What is it ?! It seems you were not all melted down with the girl either.

Emília: Yes, but I did not look like I was looking at a unicorn!

After rejoining the team they went together for another trip, this time of an hour and a half, two hours to Bilbao, Spain. On the plane Mika sat next to Emília but as soon as she saw Richard coming in she stood up.

Emília: Richard, do you want to sit here?

Mika looked with stressed eyes as he waited for his response.

Richard: Thanks Emília, but I'll sit on this side.

Emília: Okay.

Richard finally sat down next to Mika anyway. The difference is that there was a corridor between the two places. Emília was on the other side of Mika where nothing separated them. He was looking at the phone smiling and when Emília looked at the screen she saw his picture with Simone.

Emília: M, please! Folks! We lost Mika for a child!

Mika: She was very sweet.

Lola: That's true!

Emília: Be careful with the diabetes!


Emília: Like my mother would say "get one for you".

Lola: You had to tell me that earlier. I can not make one now.

(More laughter)

Mika: Can I order it? From Internet? I can't see other way of getting one.

Richard: Anything is possible. You are always saying that!

Mika smiled as he turned off the phone and nodded. Emília almost saw him blushing and he felt her looking at him as if to say "you see what I tell you." They all fell asleep and Emília grabbed Mika's arm and rested her head on his shoulder, sleeping until the end of the trip.

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