My brother's friend

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Emília and Lola unpacked their things in the bedroom.

Lola: I'm going down there. Will you be ok?

Emília: Yes. I'll be there in a minute.

Lola left and Emília was still organizing some things. Then she called her parents and friends to talk about her arrival at Mika's house. At the end of the call she left the room. To get to the living room Emília went back through a dining room where the wall was painted as if it were a forest. She stopped and walked all over the walls to see the details of the drawings.

- Are you lost?

Emília turned abruptly to the voice and saw Yasmine approaching.

Emília: No. I was seeing the painting. Zuleika told me that it was you and Mika who did. Congratulations! Is very good.

Yasmine: Thank you but you better go to the others.

Emília continued on her way to the living room. Mika was in the kitchen and Lola and Richard were in the living room talking to Mika's sisters and mother.

Emília: M, do you need something?

Mika: I'll start preparing dinner so you could go outside and get someparsley.

Emília: Where is it?

Mika: Across the pool has some pots and there's a parsley. Bring just a sprig.

Emília: Okay.

Emília went out the living room from a sliding door and saw a large swimming pool. She turned it around and went down beside the pots to see what each one was. She was ripping some of the parsley when she heard someone shout.

- Mel!

When she looked away she saw Melachi running toward her. She jumped up and licked her face as she waved her tail with happiness.

Emília: (while peting Mel) Mel! Do you remember me? I missed you, too.

- Excuse me, but who are you to steal parsley and for my dog ​​to know you?

Emília pushed Mel aside and rose. When she looked across the pool she saw an elegant boy with another dog just like Mel. When approaching Emília had the sensation of seeing Mika such were the similarities.

Emília: I'm Emília. You must be Fortuné.

Fortuné: Yes, I am. It seemed to me that such a beautiful woman could only be friends with my brother.

Emília: Aaahhh ... Thank you ... I guess.

Fortuné: This is Amira.

Emília: That one I had not yet met. (She lowers and pets Amira)

Suddenly someone was heard to run the door.

Yasmine: Emília! Mika needs the parsley!

Emília smiled at Fortuné and they went inside.

Lola: Fortuné! How are you?

Fortuné stopped in the room to greet everyone, and Emília continued to the kitchen.

Emília: Here's the parsley.

Mika: My brother arrived?

Emília: Yes. Do you need anything else?

Mika: Yes. Go to the living room and call my brother here.

Emília smiled, returned to the living room, and called Fortuné to the kitchen.

Fortuné: You just arrived and are already in the kitchen?

Mika: You just arrived and are already trying to annoy me?

Fortuné: It's my job.

Fortuné went to Mika's side and gave him two little kisses while he made the soup.

Fortuné: You have a very good company. As always it is not? And Mel recognized her soon and went to greet her.

Mika: Are you talking about Emília?

Fortuné: I've heard very well about her, but I did not know she was that ... how am I supposed to say it?

Mika: She has a boyfriend, bro. Forget it.

Fortuné: He is where?

Mika: Right now, in Rio de Janeiro.

Fortuné: Then that's it. He does not need to know.

Mika: (laughs) But I know and she's my best friend. Besides, I do not think you have a chance. He is a model and very handsome.

Fortuné: If that's so! I'll take her and you'll take him!

Mika: Fortuné, my boyfriend is in the room!

Fortuné: Sois itreally true?

Mika: Of course. Why would I come up with that?!

Fortuné grabbed a piece of a vegetable cut by Mika and ate it.

Mika: Fortuné! This is for dinner!

Fortuné: All right! I'm starting dinner a little early.

Mika: Go to the living room.

Fortuné: Okay. I'll take care of your friend.

Mika: Fortuné! Careful with what you do!

In the room they were all sitting down to catch up. Emília stood next to Lola, and Mel lay with her nose on her lap.

Joannine: I see that Mel already knows you well.

Emília: I was with her in Italy. But I did not think she missed me too.

Yasmine: Mel clings very easily to people.

Emília: That's not what I heard from Mika.

Joannine: And it's not like that. She clings only to good people.

Yasmine: How long are you staying here?

Lola: Mika told me it woud be three days.

Joannine: You could stay longer.

Yasmine: Mom, please, they must have work.

Joannine: But you have to promise to come back.

Emília: Of course.

Mika: Dinner is ready.

They all went to the table and Mika sat between Emília and Richard. Emília was staring at her plate and by her peripheral vision she seemed to see it as a struggle for the place in front of her. When she looked forward it was occupied by Fortuné. He smiled at her and she replied with another smile. After the soup was served, Emília slowly brought a spoon to her mouth.

Emília: (eyes wide) M, it's very good!

Mika: See! I told you to not believe everything Lola says!

Dinner had a very relaxed atmosphere. Mika was telling the stories of the past few days. Most of them were with Emília as protagonist. Almost everyone laughed at the stories. Richard barely spoke, and Yasmine kept glaring at Emília. On the other hand, Fortuné's gaze was anything but cold, but also uncomfortable. At the end of the dinner Mika went to his room and turned on the computer to answer the questions of the fans.


A/N: Does not Yasmine like Emília? And Fortuné? What's going to happen to him? In the next chapter Mika will answer the questions and a simple task will prove much more complicated.

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