Secret Shopping

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Emília woke up with the voices of her friends and got up to go to them. When they got to the kitchen they were there for breakfast.

Emília: Good morning, girls.

All: Good morning.

Emília: But what were you doing yesterday to be here already so early and looking good?

Bianca: Funny. I was going to ask you the same thing.

Cátia: Uh !?

Emília: It's none of your business.

Cátia: Double "uh".

Anabela: Do not tell me we'll know throught pink magazines?

Emília: No, and do you know why? Because there is nothing to know.

Bianca: You can tell. We are your friends. In fact, we helped.

Emília: But I'm telling the truth. Nothing happened.

Cátia: You mean we've been away from home for nothing ?! Oh Emília, that too is a lack of respect for us.


Emília: Do not be like that. It's a bit more complicated.

Júlia: What's the matter?

Emília was about to start talking but saw her friends looking behind her. When she turned, she saw Mika enter the door already dressed and ready to leave.

Mika: Good morning.

All: Good morning.

Mika started to prepare his breakfast with some speed.

Emília: Are you in a hurry, Mika?

Mika: Kind of. I have to go shopping before I get on the plane.

Anabela: Airplane?

Emília: Yes, Mika has to go to Italy to record an episode of X Factor.

Mika: Have you decided Emília?

Emília: Yes, I'll go with you.

Júlia: And when are you coming back?

Emília: We still do not know because we're going to go to London and talk about our relationship and be with his family a little.

Mika: But first ... shopping.

Bianca: Can we infiltrate?

Mika: Of course. I'm going to buy boring things so you can go buy things you like.

Emília found Mika's conversation a little suspicious but she accepted it because she knew all her friends wanted to be alone with her so she could finish telling them what had happened the night before.

They went to the mall. Mika said goodbye to Emília with a kiss on the forehead, he could not do more than that, and went to one side of the building while they and the friends went to the other.

Bianca: Okay. Now you can and you should talk.

Emília: I'm going to tell you because you are my best friends but this can not get out of here. Mika would freakout and rightly so. It's dangerous information to give.

Anabela: Relax! No one will say anything!

Emília: Nothing happened yesterday and there is a reason. Mika has never had sex with a woman and is afraid.

Her friends stopped walking and their mouths opened to look at her.

Bianca: You're kidding.

Emília: No. What's the shock? He thought he was gay. It's understandable.

Cátia: Basically it's almost like he's ... virgin.

Emília: Maybe it's almost that. The worst thing is that he wants to give that step but he is nervous and I do not know what to do to help him.

Bianca: I've got an idea! I already know which store to go to.

(A few minutes later in an underwear shop)

Emília: I do not know if this is going to work.

Bianca: (while stirring and rummaging in the lingerie) Of course! He just needs the right motivation.

Emília: I do not want to pressure him. I want him to realize that I wait as long as I have to because I love him.

Bianca: Bullshit! None of you want to wait!

Anabela: By what you say she is right.

Bianca: Ah ah! Here it is! (grabs a red lingerie) This is perfect for you.

Emília: (rolls her eyes) Okay, whatever. How much is it?

Bianca: It does not matter because we're going to pay.

Emília: What ?!

Cátia: There is no discussion. This is more than decided.

They went to the cashier and Emília's friends paid. They still had time to take a walk in a clothing store and then met Mika again where they had separated. Emília carried only the bag of the "gift" of the friends already Mika had a bag in each hand.

Mika: So? Did you do a lot of shopping?

Júlia: Some.

Mika: What do you have there, Emília?

Emília: Whatdo you have there, Mika?

Mika: Some things for the trip, but I asked first.

Emília: One thing for the trip.

Mika: Check-mate. Let's go, we still have a flight to catch.

They went home to get the rest of their bags and they went to the airport. They did not get on the plane without first sharing a photo to do a little publicity for the X-Factor.

Already in Milan, they landed at Mika's house and, no matter how Emília wanted to stare at what Mika had bought, they had no time for anything and left immediately for the program's recordings.

Emília: I have to admit that I already miss these people.

Mika: They're awesome. But, by the way ... Do not forget you're my girlfriend, okay?

Emília: I'll try.

Mika: Emília ...

Emília: Please, Mika. If you're like this because of Fedez, do not waste you're time, it's not worth it.

They arrived at the studios and went straight to the jury room where Mika was going to put makeup. Already there were Fedez, Skin and Elio ready to start the recordings. They received Mika with great compliments and when they saw that Emília was behind him they were silent to look at them.

Mika: Calm down, it's just Emília.

Fedez was the first to approach and give her two kisses. Only then did the others come.

Mika was put on the makeup very fast because the time was short and they soon took up their seats to listen to the contestants and see who was going to the next stage. In one of the intervals between competitors Emília, who was behind the scenes, and Fedez exchanged a glance. Emília smiled at him and saw him whispering something in Mika's ear. She did not notice what he said but Mika looked serious at him and nodded. Fedez smiled, gave him a blow on the back and a quick hug, because in the meantime, another competitor stepped on the stage. From then on they would pass all the free seconds to whisper to each other and occasionally they would look at Emília smiling. She did not know what was going on but she was anxious to know.


A/N: What do you think they were talking about? What do you think Mika bought? Do you think the lingerie technique will work? Sorry, I did not resist asking;)

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