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In the bedroom, Mika took off his shirt and lay down on the bed in silence.

Emília: Are you okay?

Mika nodded.

Emília: Are you still upset about what happened?

Mika: I'm not upset. I'm just thinking.

Emília lay down next to Mika and grabbed his waist.

Emília: Thinking of what?

Mika: When I found the test box in the trash I thought of many things. I thought too much.

Emília: Or maybe not. What did you feel?

Mika: In part I was annoyed with you because you had not told me. But then, with the idea of ​​becoming a father, I could not be bother.

Emília: We never talked about it. I knew you wanted to be a dad but I did not know you wanted that badly.

Mika sat down on the bed and Emília sat down next to him. Mika grabbed Emília's hands.

Mika: Em, I do not want you to feel bad or depressed but ... Try to understand. My mother always wanted grandchildren. I always wanted to be a father but I always thought I was gay so I had to get used to the idea that I was never going to have kids. I mean, I know I could adopt and I would give the same love to that child as one that was biologically mine but ... It's that thing. I really wanted a little bit of myself and a little bit of the person I love in a child and I always had to put that plan aside. When I saw the test I thought "now it's possible! I can be a father!". I began to imagine what it would be like and I realized it would be perfect. A little bit of me and a bit of you can only bring perfection.

Emília: Mika, I would also really enjoy having a baby with you but ... We still have time. Besides, our relationship is still in the mouths of the world. Maybe it was not a good time for a child to appear in our lives. Sorry for giving you false hopes.

Mika: You do not have to apologize. You did not do that. Besides, you're right. We have time. But ... since we're talking about this ... How many would you like to have?

Emília: Children? I do not know but at least two. I'm an only child and I hate it. And you?

Mika: I'm one of five brothers, I have lots of aunts, that is, the more the better.

Emília: (laughs) You're crazy.

Mika: I think it's best to go on happening normally.

Emília: I agree.

They lay back in their arms and fell asleep.

The next morning Emília woke up first then Mika. She got up, put on the shirt Mika had worn the day before and went into the kitchen. They were all already eating there.

Emília: Good morning.

All: Good morning.

Anabela: Oh Emília, do not you have pajamas?

Emília: I have, but i like more this shirt.

Lola: Is Mika still sleeping?

Emília: Yes. He's tired. Last night he took many time to fall asleep.

Cátia: Emília, that is personal!


Emília: It's nothing like that! We were talking about what happened yesterday.

Lola: Is he okay?

Emília: Now he is. I never thought he'd get so low because of what happened yesterday. At least I heard that he really wants kids. Since we were talking late, I let him sleep.

Bianca: He must be really tired because after talking and realizing that they want to have children they must still have made the child.


Emília: You're really stupid.

Lola: Good morning Mika!

Emília turned and saw Mika entering in his pajama bottoms.

Mika: Good morning. (grabs Emília's head and kisses the top of her head) Good morning, thief of my shirts.

Emília: So what about my kiss?

Mika went back to Emília's front and kissed her lips.

Emília: That's better. (slaps Mika's ass as he walks away)

Mika: Do you want to go to Lisbon today and stay there the night before the awards ceremony or do you want to go tomorrow in the morning?

Emília: I do not know.

Bianca: Go today!

Emília: Are you so eager to see me behind your back?

Bianca: No, but you can still spend some time alone.

Mika: She has a certain reason. We send Lola far away and we can do anything.

Lola: You do not have to send me. I'm going alone.

They ended up deciding to go that day. As soon as they set foot in Lisbon the reporters and photographers increased significantly. The questions had been the same for some time.

"Do you have a wedding yet?"

"When do you have children?"

"Mika, how's a relationship with a woman?"

As always, they did not respond and went to the hotel. After much reflection how they would enjoy that late afternoon they eventually decided to stay in the room watching a movie. Mika undertook to make some snacks to accompany the film and went to the kitchen to prepare them. Emília stayed in the room to pass the channels until she saw Love Today, which made her stop immediately.

Emília: "Doom da da di da di doom da da di da di doom".

Mika recognized the sound of the kitchen and peered into the living room. When he arrived, she was already standing on the bed.

Emília: (with a sad expression) "I've been crying for so long. Fighting tears just to carry on. (waving her arms in the air) But now, but now, it's gone away."

Mika had to laugh.

Emília: (jumping in bed) "I said everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today! I said everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today! Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to (pointing to herself) love, love me, love, love me, love, love".

At the end of the song Mika applauded and Emília jumped with fright and turned to him.

Emília: How long have you been there?

Mika: Long enough to see you spreading all your love.

Emília smiled a little sheepishly and came down from the top of the bed.

Mika: Do you always want to see the movie or do you want to continue with the Karaoke party?

Emília: The movie, please.

They ended up seeing "My Week With Marilyn" because Emília was a big fan of the lead actor, Eddie Redmayne. (A/N: If you did not see it, watch it. Attention, I'll be a little spoiler)

Emíia: What a stupid end!

Mika: Why? I think it turned out well.

Emília: Who is the woman in her right mind that having the opportunity to stay with that manit goes away?! Do not look at me like that, Mika! He's really cute! You have to admit!

Mika: (rolls her eyes) Yeah, he's cute. Is not strange for you that I, as your boyfriend, speak so of a man?

Emília: No! It's fantastic! We can agree on these things!


A/N: Sorry for the delait but i am very buy. Thanks for steel reading. Leave your opinions! Lots of love :)

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