I'm Doing Everything Wrong

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Mika: Richard, if your problem is to lose your private life you do not have to worry because, of course, my family will not expose anything ... Or is there any other problem?

Richard: No Mika ... (grabs Mika's hand) There's no problem. Sorry. I think I got nervous thinking about it.

Mika: If that's all you don't need to be nervous. My family likes you. More important than that. I like you. And I'm the one who has to like it.

Richard looked at the dessert plate and nodded. Mika looked at his plate and ran his finger over the cream. He called for Richard and when he looked at Mika he put the cream of his finger on Richard's nose.

Richard: What was that for?

Mika instead of answer laughed and Richard started to laugh too.

Mika: See! You look better laughing.

Richard: You did not need to put cream on my nose so I could laugh. You could just laugh and I would laugh too. You have a very contagious laugh.

Mika: But then I could not begin to laugh.

After dinner they stayed on the couch talking and watching TV and realized that it was already late and that Emília had not yet left Lola's room.

Mika: I'm curious about what's happening in that room.

Richard: Probably things of women who have no interest at all.

Mika: Knowing Emília as I know, she will not come back if I do not give her the "green light" to come.

Richard: What do you mean?

Mika: She only comes when she is sure that you're not here or that no one is here because she does not want to interrupt anything.

Richard: So I'd better go.

Richard started to get up but Mika grabbed him and prevented him from leaving the sofa.

Mika: (to Richard's ear) I guess she does not mind staying with Lola tonight.

Richard swallowed hard and Mika started to kiss his cheek. Richard got up quickly and Mika almost fell forward.

Richard: I-I do not think that's a good idea. I go to my room and call Emília.

Mika got up from the couch and went to Richard who was already near the exit door. As he approached, Richard took a step back.

Mika: As you wish. Can I at least get a good night kiss?

Richard: Of course.

He leaned over to Mika and gave her a hurried kiss. So hurriedly that when he left Mika still lingered for a few seconds and closed eyes waiting for him to continue.

Mika: Is that it ?! You call it a kiss?

Richard grabbed Mika's head with both hands and kissed him again.

Mika: Much better. (smiles) Good evening. (opens the door)

Richard: Good night.

A few minutes later Emília was opening the bedroom door. Mika was lying on the bed looking thoughtful.

Emília: So? How was your night?

Mika: I do not know. And yours?

Emília: Fun even. Lola is a great company. I did not care if I had to spend the night there because my place in this bed was busy. If you know what I mean.

Mika: I did not care either. By the way, I tried but ...

Emília: What happened?

Mika: I loved to tell you but I do not know. That is the problem. I never know what's on his mind. As much as you discover one of his thoughts it seems that I'm just discovering "the tip of the iceberg". I like that he is mysterious but this is too much.

Emília: But did he say anything specific?

Mika: First he made a scandal when he knew we were going to spend some days at my family's house.

Emília: Well, going to the boyfriend's house is not ... very romantic and can be a delicate situation.

Mika: Em, my family knows him and likes him. Besides, you and Lola go, too.

Emília: In that case ... Wait! What?! I go where?

Mika: I have a house here in America and after the concert my family wanted to get us there.

Emília: Me too?

Mika: They're all anxious to meet you! But moving forward. Then he made another scandal because I told my family we were dating! He could not wait for me to take my boyfriend there without them knowing he's my boyfriend!

Emília: Okay, let's take it easy. Seriously? Are they all anxious to meet me?

Mika: (rolls his eyes) Yes.

Emília: They are so sweet. You can really tell that they do not know me. Now Richard. Mika, you have to stop deciding things for him. In fact, you should have asked everyone you want to your home if they wanted to go.

Mika: I know Lola wants to. You do not want?

Emília: I want but you should have asked. And most of all, you should have not asked, but at least told Richard that you would tell your family that you were together and see what he had to say about it.

Mika: What if he told me that he did not want me tell?!

Emilia: You said "I'm sorry Richard, but I think I should tell them because I know my family will support us" and you could tell your family anyway but at least you warned him.

Mika: That means I'm doing everything wrong, is not it?

Emília: No, Mika, it doesn't. You're making some mistakes and everybody makes them. And I'm not saying Richard is not really complicated because I know he is. You know he's very closed so you have to give him room for his decisions.

Mika: You're right. As always.

Emília: "Always" is a lot of times. (She runs her hand through Mika's hair) Do not think about it now. Tomorrow you have the day full of interviews. You have to rest.

They put on their pajamas and went to bed. It was all off and silent when Emília broke that same silence.

Emília: M, do you think your family will like me?

Mika: Of course they will.

Emília: How can you be so sure of that?

Mika: Only someone very stupid does not like you.

Emília smiled, tucked the blankets and fell asleep.


A/N: The mysterious Richard and the bumbling Mika ... where can this go? Sorry for the image but I did not know what to put it. In the next chapter Emília knows Mika's family. Will it make new friends or enemies?

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