I don't want to know her!

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Mika: What ?! Are not you ... at least ... shocked?

Joannine: Why should I be shocked?

Mika: We always thought I was homosexual.

Joannine: No, son. You did. I always believed in your theory of not caring to know the gender of the person.

Mika: You mean you always thought I was bisexual?

Joannine: I did. I thought if you found the right woman, you'd figure that out. If you met the right man you would probably never realize that you could love a woman. Of course I was not sure of anything. It was just a mother's guess and in time I was losing hope. When I met Emília, I had that feeling back.

Mika: But when she was here I dated Richard. I did not feel anything for Emília.

Joannine: I do not doubt it but it was a matter of time.

Mika: And you never told me?

Joannine: I could not interfere.

Paloma: That does not matter now! What matters is ... are you really dating?

Mika: We are. We started dating at Lola's wedding. Sorry I did not tell you right away but I was afraid of your reactions.

Zuleika: This is spectacular! I am like my mother. I am very happy to see you together.

Paloma: I also think this could work.

Fortuné: Brother and Emília, I apologize for my behavior and I want you to know that I also support your relationship. If Emília does not stay with I'm happy that it's to be with you Mika.

Emília and Mika smiled at Fortuné.

Joannine: Yasmine, you're so quiet. You have nothing to say about this?

Yasmine: I think it's best not to say anything. Unless you really wanted me to say it.

Mika: Yes Yasmine, please.

Yasmine: I think all this is a big joke. For me you are only confused and since she gives you attention you started this relationship to pass some time.

Mika: You're wrong. You do not understand.

Yasmine: You know what I'm understanding? She's smarter than she looks. She got you in to your head in a way that even made you think you're bisexual and in the end, she's going to get out of all this like a winner.

Mika: What are you trying to insinuate ?!

Yasmine: Mika, she's already got so much fame just to be your friend. Now imagine when people know it. It's going to be a scandal. Then she'll be more talked about than Miley Cyrus!

Mika: And you think what you're going to talk about her are going to be nice things ?! Do you think she was going to do it if she was not in love with me ?!

Yasmine: I do not know! I do not know her!

Mika: Exactly Yasmine! You do not know her! Could you try to know her first?

Yasmine: I do not want to know her!

Emília: Mika, please do not say anything else.

Mika: Too bad you're not up for it. I'm sure if you knew eachother you would get along.

Emília: Mika, stop.

Yasmine got up, tossed the napkin onto the table, and left.

Joannine: Emília, I apologize for my daughter. It's nothing like her.

Emília: You do not have to apologize. I'm sorry for coming to your house to create all this mess.

Mika: It's not your fault. And I'm sorry I did not believe in you about Yasmine.

Emília: It does not matter. It's your sister, I understand.

Zuleika: Wait. So does this mean you're not going to my room anymore?

Emília: Not Zuleika. I'll stay in your room.

Mika: Why ?!

Emília: It's better that way. I do not want to infuriate your sister any more, and I will not leave Zuleika alone when it was all settled.

At the end of the meal they went into the room. Mika sat next to Emília and put her arm around her shoulders.

Mika: (whispers in Emília's ear) Do I deserve a kiss already?

Emília: (whispers) You did not tell, so not.

Mika: Come on. They already know.

Emília: (whispers) Mika, I'm not going to kiss you in front of your family.

Mika: So, do you want me to ask them to turn around?

Emília: (laughs slightly) How cute.

Mika started to bring his lips closer to Emília's, but there was a moment in the room that made him have to see what it was. Yasmine had come and sat next to Zuleika without saying anything. Mika felt Emília tighten and squeeze her harder.

Suddenly, Joannine's cell phone rang and she left the room to answer. It was a more tense environment but luckily she came back quickly.

Joannine: It was from the UNHCR, that organization for the refugees, and they are ready to greet you Mika. You and me and anyone who wants to help. They were very happy when they knew that we were interested in going there.

Mika: Finally! We have to decide this as soon as possible. I've waited too long.

Emília: I'm sorry but ... does anyone tell me what you're talking about?

Mika: I've been trying to go to Beirut for a few months to draw attention to what people are going through. As you know my fan club has been raising money for this and all.

Emília: Yeah, I know that, but ... when do you think you're going to Beirut?

Mika: As early as possible.

Emília: But now ... is not it dangerous ?!

Mika: Of course it is.

Emília: And you go alone?

Mika: I'm going with my mother.

Joannine: That says a lot to me.

Emília: I realize that you are sensitive to these causes and that you want to help but it does not sound good to me that you go there in the middle of the war.

Mika: I know the risks I'm running. They are running many more. Em, I could be one of them. The only thing that sets us apart is the opportunities.

Joannine: Mika, when do you want to leave for Lebanon?

Mika: Tomorrow.

Emília: What ?!

Mika: Em, do you want to stay here or go to Portugal?

Emília: I want to go with you.


A/N: Emília is in despair. DO you think that all fans trembled when they knew he was there. What do you think he's going to say?

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