We are golden

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Emília sat next to Mika in the piano bench.

Emília: I should play something right?

Mika: I don't know. That's up to you. If you know you can play.

Emília: If you give me the music sheet I may be able to.

Mika handed her some papers. She read the top "We Are Golen (Acoustic)". Her palms were sweating and her heart was beating to 300. Why? She had already played to more people. There was just him. Why so many nerves? If you could say he was her idol but it was not. She was not even a fan.

She began playing the guitar with her eyes on the sheet. Made the first chords which were stoped by Mika's voice.

Mika: Emília. I am here. Am I that ugly that not wanna look at me?

Emília raised her face to Mika and focused on his beautiful brown eyes.

Emília: No, sorry. It's just ...

Mika: What?

Emília felt her cheeks getting warm. She knew she was blushing.

Emília: Is that ... is a little strange, do not know.

Mika: It's not. You will see that there is nothing strange. Try.

Emília began playing from the beginning, this time changing the look from the paper to Mika's eyes. Suddenly, Mika begins to sing, accompanying it. And when he began to sing Emília felt much more confident. When she found she was already fanning herself to the music. Both were smiling. They were living the moment that was sounding like pure magic. When the song was over Mika raised his hand and gave "five".

 When the song was over Mika  raised his hand and gave "five"

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Mika: It was really cool!

Emília: Yeah, it was fun.

Mika: Strange?

Emília: Nothing strange. You were right.

Mika: You play very well.

Emília: You think so?

Mika: Yes. I really enjoyed listening to you.

Emília: Thank you.

Mika: Well ... We better go.

Emília: Yes, it's getting late.

They said goodbye and went home. At home, Emília reflected on what had happened at the piano bench. At first it was a bit awkward but when she looked into his eyes and when he started singing, she felt safe. As if they were a longtime friends. As if they knew each other from other lives.

Emília lay down, and that night, her dreams were to the tune of We Are Golden.

The next day she had to get up early to prepare the rest of the things to Milan and go to the rehearsal, this time in the concert local.

In the rehearsal, Emília spent most of her time with Lola because all of the peaple were busy. Mika was at the center of thevstage. Sometimes he was sitting at the piano, sometimes from one side to the other with a microphone in his hand. Emília could see him a little when people were weren't passing in front of her. It was amazing how in the midst of so much confusion he continued with the same unbreakable expression the previous day.

I was about four hours for the concert and already it was possible hear fans singing outside. Lola took Emília to see what was happening on the street. Emília was shocked at the amount of people who were already waiting, screaming, with posters.

Emília: It will always be like this?

Lola: Probably.

It was an hour and a half for the concert and Emília was going through a hall when she heard a scream of despair from the door beside her. When she looked at the door read "Mika" which made her knock.

Emília: Mika is Emília. It's everything all right?

Mika: No. Come in.

Emília: What is it?

Mika: I do not know what clothes to choose!

Emília: (sighs) Oh! OK! What a fright! I thought it was something serious.

Mika made a serious look which made her realize that he was really worried.

Emília: I mean ... it is not that this is not serious!

Mika: What do I do ?!

Emília began to move the hangers and taking clothes. A white shirt, a dark blue jacket with a bright and pants in the same shade of blue with a white stripe on each leg side.

Emília: Dress this.

Mika: You sure?

Emília: So, you ask me for help and then you doubt my help?!

Mika: I'll dress it.

Emília left the dressing room and went to the rest of the team. A little later appeared Mika.

Mika: Is everything ready?

Lola: Wow! You are very cute!

Mika: Really?! It was Emília who chose!

Richard: Good job Emília. It suits you very well.

Mika smiled a little embarrassed.

Mika: Well, it's almost time to go, I have to attack the candy.

Mika went tothe table food and started eating gums.

Lola: Do not overdo it, Mika!

Mika: I know!

Emília went to him and grabbed a lollipop and put in the mouth. However he continued to eat gums.

Emília never said nothing, just watched. When there were fifteen minutes to go on stage he grabbed a plastic cup and put some lemonade. After the sweets, lemonade would taste very well, no doubt, thought Emília. Suddenly he spilled lemonade purposely to the ground.

Emília: Are you okay?!

Mika: (rubbing his shoes on the lemonade) Yes, I always do this. It is not to slip on stage.

Emília: Good idea.

Lola: Mika! It's time!

Mika and Emília went to the rest of the band. One member said a few words of good luck, shook hands and went on stage. Emília watched all with Lola from backstage.

(A/N: Sorry for not updating but i have a new Mika's fanfiction "The Penniman's" go check it please.)

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