The test

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Mika, Lola, Cátia, and Anabela arrived home an hour later. Mika asked for Emília and Bianca said she was in the room getting ready for dinner. A dinner was programed at the house of Emília's parents. Mika knocked on the door of Emília's room and she let him in. When Mika entered, Emília stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her dress.

Emília: Glad you're here. Help me tighten the dress, please.

Mika approached Emily from behind and tighen the buttons on the back of her dress as she glanced at him in the mirror.

Mika: How are you?

Emília: What do you mean ?!

Mika: You were sick.

Emília: Oh! That! I am fine. It must have been the trip.

Mika noticed how she'd been nervous about his question and was a bit suspicious. He was going to ask more about this subject but looked at his watch and thought it would be too late for that.

Mika: What time is it?

Emily grabbed Mika's arm to look at his watch.

Emília: It is(points the small pointer) seven (points the big pointer) and forty p.m.. Yes, you have to hurry. (kisses Mika) I'll go downstairs while you get ready.

Emília left the room and Mika stayed to dress himself. He looked at the clothes he had brought and opted for the white shirt with a bow tie because Emília loved it.

After dressing, he went to the bathroom to straighten his hair. When he put a piece of paper in his pocket for the trash something caught his attention. A box that although the big letters were in Portuguese he knew well the object photographed. It was a pregnancy test. Mika quickly closed the bucket and returned to the room where he sat on the bed with his head resting on his hands.

Was it Emília's? It could be from one of her friends. But then why would it be in her bathroom? Now it all made sense. The sickness, the fact that she was uncomfortable when he asked her how she was ... Mika could not understand why she had not told him. Was she afraid? She had no reason to be afraid. That was great news. Maybe she was just setting her up for a special way to tell.

He realized that he had been in those thoughts for some time and that he had better leave. He got up and left the room.

In the room all were already waiting for him.

Lola: Always the same getting late.

They laughed. Mika grabbed Emília tightly and kissed the top of her head.

Even at Emília's parents' house she and Mika went hand in hand and she noticed that every now and then he would look at her with a smile.

Emília: Is everything okay?

Mika: Yes. I was thinking ... Did I already tell you that I love you today?

Bianca: Oh, please!

Emília: I think that you didi but I always like to listen.

Bianca: Really?!

Mika: (whispers in Emília's ear) I love you.

Emília: (whispers) I love you too.

Bianca: I'm getting sick!


They arrived at the house of Emília's parents and went straight to the table because dinner was already served.

Alfredo: Since we thought we should celebrate Mika's presence, we bought some very good wine. (raises the bottle) Who is served?

Everyone lifted the glasses and when Mika saw Emília's glass lifted he grabbed it and lowered it.

Emília: Mika?!

Mika: Emília, you ... you should not drink.

Emília: Come on! Why?!

Mika: Because ... it's not good for you.

Emília: I know but I'm just going to drink a little bit. You're going to drink too, and you're a drunk far more dangerous than me.

Mika: Yes but ... even just a little you should not.

Alfredo: But since when do you decide for my daughter, boy?

Emília: Since never. (stretch the glass) Please fill.

Mika: (speaking softly) Em, I already know.

Emília: You know what?!

Mika: Sorry if you were preparing some way to tell me but I found out. Was inadvertently.

Emília: Mika, I do not know what you're talking about!

Mika: I found ... that. I already know why you were feeling bad on the trip.

Paula: What's he talking about?!

Emília: (eyes wide) Wait. Did you check the box of the pregnancy test in the trash, was not it?

Paula: Pregnancy test ?!

Mika: (nervous) Yes. Sorry, I did not know that ... Why did not you tell me you're pregnant?!


Alfredo: SERIOUS?!?!


Suddenly the confusion settled. Everything started talking and asking questions at the same time, and Emília could not answer anything.

Emília: SHUT UP!!! (silence) Can I talk ?! (silence) Today I felt nauseous during the trip. At home I threw up and got better. I thought it was fatigue along with some crap I ate on the plane but my friends told me to do the test to be sure .... And I was right. It was from tiredness. The test was negative. I'm not pregnant.

Mika: Are not you?

Emília: No. It was a false alarm.

Mika: Why did not you tell me?

Emília: What was I going to tell you without even knowing if I was pregnant ?! After seeing that he was negative I had no interest in telling you. It was just a reason for you to be always thinking about that. Do you think if I was pregnant you would not be the first person to know ?!

Mika: (puts his hand to her face) I'm sorry. I'm so stupid.

Emília: (rests her hands on Mika's head) You're not. It was my fault, too. Maybe it would have been better if I had warned you. Sorry.

Paula: I have a question. (they all look at Paula) If you did the test it was because there was a chance you were pregnant, right?

(They all look at Emília)

Emília: Aaaa ... (raises an eyebrow) Yes. Obviously.

Paula: So that means he (points to Mika) can give me grandchildren?

Emília: (starting to get angry) Why could he not?

Paula: I do not know. As he was gay I thought ...

Emília: (clenched) Mother! He thought he was gay, not impotent!

Paula: I'm sorry.

Good thing she had said that in Portuguese and Mika had not realized because he seemed to be very fragile and Emília was not the only one to notice it.

Bianca: Mika, do not be sad! Look on the bright side! You will be able to try again!

Everyone avoided laughing but in the end only Alfredo had the ability to remain serious after Bianca's intervention. What could it be done? She was right.


A/N: I do not know how much do you want them to be parents but if you want that too much, I'm sorry. Do not forget to leave your comments and votes.

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