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The next morning Emília and Mika took the first plane to Milan.

Emília: (putting on a belt) Oh! I did not even remember asking you what your family said because you came to spend Christmas away from them and come by.

Mika: They reacted well. Zuleika said it was very romantic and I had the support of everyone to see you in Portugal.

Emília: So what about this trip? What did they say?

Mika: Well ... They did not say anything.

Emília: What do you mean ?! (looks into Mika's eyes) You're hiding something from me!

Mika: Okay. Stay calm. They did not say anything because ... they do not know.

Emília: You did not tell them we were coming to Milan ?! Why?!

Mika: Because they were going to ask lots of questions and ... (nods and smiles) I do not want anyone to know that we are going to Milan.

Emília: No one?

Mika: No one. I want it to be just us.

Emília: (raises an eyebrow) M, are we running away?

Mika: (laughs) If you want to call it that. Did not you want to run away with me?

Emília: (smiles) Running away with you is the best Christmas present ever.

Mika: There are many more gifts.

Emília: I feel really bad for just giving you an electronic frame.

Mika: It was not just a frame! It's a photo frame of ours! I loved it! Besides, accepting my invitation was the best gift. Do not feel bad.

Mika kissed Emília's face and she grabbed Mika's arm and fell asleep with her head on his shoulder.

They arrived in Milan and went to Mika's house, which was decorated with the Christmas props.

Emília: I'm going to put my things in the bedroom.

Emília went upstairs to the room, she found out a simple white dress with a pretty black bow on the bed.

Emília went upstairs to the room, she found out a simple white dress with a pretty black bow on the bed

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Emília approached the dress and looked at the label. It was Valentino's. It did not have the price but it would have been quite expensive.

Mika: Do you like it?

Emília: Yes, no doubt but ...

Mika: It's for you.

Emília: But ...

Mika: To wear tonight

Emília: But ...

Mika: I do not want to hear questions or complaints because I'm offering you a lot of things.

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